Before You Do Yoga for Your Back
Updated June 18, 2015.
People with back pain have to be extra careful when trying out exercise. Yes, doing yoga to help your back may give you pain relief, but establishing a practice that is safe and meaningful for your condition requires that you know more about why and how to do certain poses. It also means that you should know when not to do a pose.
Getting Started
Doing yoga cultivates a balance between the flexibility and strength of the muscles of the body, often the real culprit in back pain.
But there are many types of yoga, and if you have back pain you must be careful which to choose. Also, there are precautions you can take to ensure a safe and productive experience with yoga for back pain.
Pelvic Tilts
The pelvic tilt is a classic therapeutic exercise used to stabilize body posture by developing and strengthening the core musculature. The pelvic tilt can be found in yoga, pilates, physical therapy and other exercise systems. While there are variations on the pelvic tilt, the move for all is about the same.
Supported Bridge Pose
I love the supported bridge pose because it increases the challenges presented by the pelvic tilt. This pose elevates the pelvis, and removes some of the floor support. Now the ab and back muscles have to go to work to support the body in the air. The result? Stronger, smarter core muscles, which help develop a centered, easy alignment and good posture.
- All About Supported Bridge Pose
- How to Do Supported Bridge Pose
- More Information on Supported Bridge Pose
Reclined Big Toe Pose
The hamstring muscles are those large muscles on the back of the leg. When they get tight, they can affect the entire low back, making a flat low back posture. The reclined big toe pose addresses this postural problem with a gentle, enjoyable (remember to breathe!) stretch to the hamstring muscles.
Supine Spinal Twist
Supine means lying on your back. The supine spinal twist, as the name suggests, gently twists your spine while you are lying on the floor. For people with back pain, twisting should be approached with caution, so be sure to read the explanation of the pose.
Yoga for Back Pain Series
Now that you have acquainted yourself with the basics of doing yoga when you have back pain, including the poses, you can streamline your practice by working from the Series.