Your inner mentors will help you become more confident.
Crossing the threshold is where most people fail. It takes courage and strength.
Let's take two examples of heroes, from two well know movies. The first hero is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars and the other one is Neo from The Matrix.
They both had a call to adventure and a goal to achieve. The call to adventure for Luke Skywalker was Princess Lea's message. For Neo, the call was the famous phrase "Follow the white rabbit".
Both refused the call at first. Luke is refused adventure by his uncle, a man who seeks to protect Luke from the inevitable dangers of fate. In addition, Luke found an excuse that he had to help with the harvest. In The Matrix, Neo couldn't climb out the window. He just refused to believe he could save himself and save the world.
A lot of times we refuse the call as well. We don't want to write a goal down with a specific plan to follow it. We don't want to pursue our dreams and we begin to doubt ourselves, just like Luke and Neo.
Doubt and fear are the two biggest enemies that will prevent us from reaching the goal.
A lot of people ask themselves "but what do I need to do to get rid of doubt and fear" The question is in the world mythologies. Look at Luke and Neo, how did they cast away their doubt and fear?
The answer is: THEIR MENTORS, their guides.
Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi was the guide that Luke needed to overcome fear and doubt and enter the path to achieve his goal, to fulfill the call to adventure.
In the Matrix, Neo was trained by Morpheus, trained to face the Agents and to understand what the Matrix really is.
In the same way, we have mentors and guides as well. Some may be external, like a parent, a friend, a teacher or a colleague. Other mentors are inner mentors, like our heart, an ancestor that we always remember for the good qualities and skills we admired.
A mentor is somebody or something you love and respect.
The following 4 steps will help you enhance your confidence and strengthen your belief in yourself through your inner mentors.
Step 1. Ask yourself the following question: "What kind of other knowledge, resources or beliefs would you need to successfully achieve your goal?"
In other terms, if you had some bit of knowledge you would need to acquire, some new resource to develop or some new belief to create, what would it be?
Identify that right now.
Step 2. The question is: "Who would be your mentor who would share with you this new knowledge, resources or beliefs? How exactly close is your mentor to support you best?"
The physical location, even in imagination is critical. Did you know that you place differently different kinds of people in your mental screen? Let's do a little experience. Think now about someone you love and someone you respect? Where do you locate this person on your mental screen? Think now about someone you're deeply in love with? Now think about someone that is indifferent to you? Or someone you really don't like? Notice the different locations, and how close they are from you.
The location triggers an emotion.
So notice exactly how close is your mentor to support you best.
Step 3: You are going pretend that you are your mentor who is delivering you a message. You're seeing things through his own eyes. What is the message or advice he would give you?
Step 4: Now, you're not your mentor anymore, you're yourself and you're receiving the message from your mentor.
As you're integrating the message, notice how much it is affecting your level of confidence and your level of belief.
If you apply these 4 simple, elegant and very effective steps, you will have more confidence that will in turn enable you to achieve your goal or dream. It is really possible and you deserve it. It is time.