Bodum French Press - A Step Above
In order to enjoy a good coffee, the bitter tasting grounds need to be separated from the final mixture before consumption. The Bodum French Press coffee maker, namely the Chambord model by Bodum, provides a good method to accomplish this. It has a very nice design too. It has a handle that is attached to the holder for the glass carafe which holds the coffee and hot water. The glass carafe comes with a spout for ease of pouring and resembles a beaker like the one found in a chemistry lab. The required pressing, for this French Press, is provided by a nice piece of equipment sitting at the top of the glass carafe and consists of a dome that provides as a cover for the coffee as it brews. A skinny metal plunger with a plastic ball at its top and wired mesh disk filter at its bottom slides through a small hole in the middle of the dome. In order to pour the freshly brewed coffee in your cup, this plunger needs to be pressed down completely.
For coffee connoisseurs who really enjoy a rich tasting cup of coffee, the time and effort invested in brewing their coffee using a French press is truly justified by tasting the finished product. The masterpiece created by the Bodum French Press cannot be compared to the coffee created by a modern dip coffee machine, which may be quick and easy, but fails to capture the true flavor and aroma of coffee that make taste buds water.
Paper filters, used in many conventional electric dip coffee makers, often removes the flavor and essential oils contained in coffee beans, which results in the making of a thin or bland final product. But Bodum French Press brews coffee the old-fashioned way, the way it was intended to be. It uses mostly metal and glass parts, with a wired mesh filter, that allow the full essence of coffee to be captured without wastage of any taste. It comes in a variety of sizes, ranging from 1.5L to 0.35L models, with prices starting from $29.95 for the smallest model.
Ultimately, it is wise avoiding the use of electric dip coffee makers to make a nice cup of that is rich, smooth and fully brewed. By using traditional methods, Bodum French Press allows its users to brew a perfect cup of coffee as they want it. It delivers an amazing experience which begins with unrefined coffee beans and end up in a true work of art.
For coffee connoisseurs who really enjoy a rich tasting cup of coffee, the time and effort invested in brewing their coffee using a French press is truly justified by tasting the finished product. The masterpiece created by the Bodum French Press cannot be compared to the coffee created by a modern dip coffee machine, which may be quick and easy, but fails to capture the true flavor and aroma of coffee that make taste buds water.
Paper filters, used in many conventional electric dip coffee makers, often removes the flavor and essential oils contained in coffee beans, which results in the making of a thin or bland final product. But Bodum French Press brews coffee the old-fashioned way, the way it was intended to be. It uses mostly metal and glass parts, with a wired mesh filter, that allow the full essence of coffee to be captured without wastage of any taste. It comes in a variety of sizes, ranging from 1.5L to 0.35L models, with prices starting from $29.95 for the smallest model.
Ultimately, it is wise avoiding the use of electric dip coffee makers to make a nice cup of that is rich, smooth and fully brewed. By using traditional methods, Bodum French Press allows its users to brew a perfect cup of coffee as they want it. It delivers an amazing experience which begins with unrefined coffee beans and end up in a true work of art.