The Simplest Way to Get Your Ex Back Now!
The breakup is still fresh in their minds, their emotions are still raw and they panic.
If this is you, then it's perfectly normal to panic, you want to get your ex back now, but you don't know what to do.
"It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does.
" Where does this panic come from? It comes from a loss of control that you experience after a breakup.
In your relationship, you're laughing, or even arguing, but you know what to expect.
After a breakup, you are suddenly trust into unknown territory and feel the need to do something to regain that control.
It is in this panicked state that mistakes are made.
They seem to make sense to you, but only succeed in pushing your ex further away.
What are they? Calling up your ex frequently and trying to convince them they are the love of your life, apologizing for every little thing, and even begging for them to take you back.
So what do you need to get your ex back now? You must resist the urge to contact them for a few weeks and focus on yourself to help you overcome the panic you're feeling.
Work to fix any faults you may have as this will make you appear more attractive to your ex.
Use this time to evaluate your relationship, and the reasons why it fell apart.
If you think any of your actions contributed to the breakup, now you know what to apologize for when the time comes to contact them again.
By not contacting them, they will feel as though you are okay with the breakup (even if you aren't) and will feel as though you respect their space.
Over the course of a few weeks, you ex may even begin to miss you and contact you themselves.
This is a good sign, but you still need time to heal.
If they call you, thank them for taking the time to, but mention you can't talk right now and that you'll call again soon.
After a few weeks, call them up to see how they've been.
If they don't answer, wait a few days before contacting them again.
Remember to stay calm and collected and to keep the conversation light.
Ask them what they've been up to, how they are, and remember to briefly mention how nice it was talking to them.
Take things slow.