Cutaneous Fungal Bipolaris Infection
Cutaneous Fungal Bipolaris Infection
A healthy 55-year-old man suffered a superficial skin abrasion to the left medial ankle while working at a sewage treatment plant. The abrasion progressed to a shallow ulcer with surrounding erythema over the next 4 to 5 days. A worsening course over the following 3 weeks prompted referral to the authors' facility for further evaluation. Initial examination revealed an exquisitely tender, shallow ulcer, measuring approximately 8 cm x 5 cm with a necrotic base and extensive surrounding erythema (Figure 1).
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Figure 1.
Bipolaris cutaneous fungal infection of 3 weeks duration involving the lower extremity.
A healthy 55-year-old man suffered a superficial skin abrasion to the left medial ankle while working at a sewage treatment plant. The abrasion progressed to a shallow ulcer with surrounding erythema over the next 4 to 5 days. A worsening course over the following 3 weeks prompted referral to the authors' facility for further evaluation. Initial examination revealed an exquisitely tender, shallow ulcer, measuring approximately 8 cm x 5 cm with a necrotic base and extensive surrounding erythema (Figure 1).
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Figure 1.
Bipolaris cutaneous fungal infection of 3 weeks duration involving the lower extremity.