How to Be a Informational Marketing Guru - Your Blueprint
Learning means one being able to use and to apply the information.
Experience is having been educated, formally or informally, and having learned in applying the information correctly.
Having the education then learning from it and practicing it for experience, makes one an informational guru.
Add marketing in education, learning, practice and experience then you have an informational marketing guru.
"Wait a minute - just like that?" - we hear from the minds of some who just read the first paragraph.
Well, their minds are right; it is not that simple to become an informational marketing guru.
The next question would be, "is the marketing information being given by the guru accurate"? Good question! To some, the problem in believing the information being imparted depends how the guru attained success and at what rate.
It also depends on the one receiving the information because if he or she does not have the same attitude, dedication and perseverance as the guru, then the information is practically useless.
To be a good informational marketing guru, one does not necessarily need to have an awesome success rate.
Tell me, do business professors and instructors in college have a high success rate in business? Mostly likely a good majority of them might not even have any business experience.
But, they are still respected educational gurus.
Many good teachers provide excellent information but they make sure that you will use that information wisely and according to your pace and capacity.
They also have the opportunity, during an entire school term, to learn about their students so they can impart information the best way, in general.
A good informational marketing guru must be able elicit from those who inquire about their ways, means and ends.
From there, the guru should know if the fellow will be able to make good use of the information.
The guru serves as an advisor providing reliable guidelines to follow.
No promises of instant success.
Monitoring and following up are good ways to track results.
There are people who could make adjustments on their own way from the information they get and that would not be a problem to a guru.
The points of view of a good informational marketing guru should be from different perspectives.
It will give better understanding for different kinds of people.
An example of many failures from gurus was from the motivational gurus of the 1980s.
The motivational speakers never considered that not all people are the same, and it is impossible to get even a 25 percent success rate of becoming filthy rich out of those attending their seminars.
The success rate of those learning from informational marketing gurus will be higher because the goal of attaining marketing success depends on ones level of satisfaction.
The informational marketing has solutions to problems and explains benefits that can be derived.
Currently, many seek marketing information online than from any other media.
It is more flexible, cost effective and reaches a wider base of the target market.