Make Random Creativity More Consistent
We all have creative strokes of genius from time to time, but what if we had these creative streaks and "ah ha" moments more consistently? What if we could indeed control creative episodes and put ourselves in a creative state at will? Believe it or not you can, everyone can.
The problem is people hold themselves back and thus, never get to the creative space they need to propel innovation and imagination.
Everyone has original thoughts from time to time, and it hardly matters how you define what an original thought is.
Even if you believe in original thought to be that which has never been thought by you personally, as original, it is still creative if you thought about it.
No matter that you could probably go on the Internet and find someone who has already talked about it.
The fact is you have never thought about it before, and you created that thought channel and made it your own.
This is the creative mind at work.
Still, if you want to get beyond random creativity and make it more consistent so that you have original thoughts all the time, then you need to use your imagination more, and allow your brain to flow, and cross pollinate within itself, running through various categories that you have in your memory stored information.
Combining things that are not the same, and using analogies to describe different things from totally different subject matters and topics; the more you do this the more you will find that your brain can jump around and create something out of nothing.
In doing this you will make creativity something that is commonplace, and original thoughts will pop into your brain all day long.
Please consider all this.
The problem is people hold themselves back and thus, never get to the creative space they need to propel innovation and imagination.
Everyone has original thoughts from time to time, and it hardly matters how you define what an original thought is.
Even if you believe in original thought to be that which has never been thought by you personally, as original, it is still creative if you thought about it.
No matter that you could probably go on the Internet and find someone who has already talked about it.
The fact is you have never thought about it before, and you created that thought channel and made it your own.
This is the creative mind at work.
Still, if you want to get beyond random creativity and make it more consistent so that you have original thoughts all the time, then you need to use your imagination more, and allow your brain to flow, and cross pollinate within itself, running through various categories that you have in your memory stored information.
Combining things that are not the same, and using analogies to describe different things from totally different subject matters and topics; the more you do this the more you will find that your brain can jump around and create something out of nothing.
In doing this you will make creativity something that is commonplace, and original thoughts will pop into your brain all day long.
Please consider all this.