How Do I Know Whether My Ex Loves Me Or Not? - Read This and You"ll Know
If you have recently been through a breakup and want to get back in the relationship once again, just read on to find out how you will know whether your ex is still in love with you or not.
If you really want to know whether your ex still has that old flame all alight for you, you need to concentrate on her actions.
Try talking to her casually and note the casual hints she drops in.
the knowledge of what is in her mind will help you realize her feelings for you.
The first step towards rebuilding a relationship is to listen to your ex and understanding what she wants to communicate.
If you listen very carefully, you will be able to hear the unspoken words.
The feelings that your ex harbors for you will become very evident if you have a couple of conversations with her after the breakup.
The tone of her voice and her body language are things that you need to read into.
If she loves you, she will make it a point to drop those all important hints.
The trick is to respond in a manner that will convey your love and interest for her but at the same time not make you appear desperately lovesick.
Notice how she deals with the souvenirs of your relationship.
Casually mention them and make a mental note of her reactions.
If she is still emotionally attached to the teddy bear you gave her on a date or the romantic music CD you bought her on her birthday, chances are that she is still very much in love with you.
If your ex wants to communicate with you and shows great interest in talking to you, these are signs of her affection.
So even after the break up, all hope is not lost if you are wise enough to look deep into things.