How to Get Your Ex Back If They're Dating Again
One of the most important things to do is to make sure that you're still living your life. Your ex has moved on, for all intents and purposes. You need to do the same. Instead of wallowing in your misery, go out and have fun. Rekindle some of your old interests and find new ones. Maintain an active lifestyle that will keep you happy and vibrant.
Why do this? Well, nobody wants to get with a sick and tired old dog. Your ex wants to be with somebody who is going places and enjoying their life. Wouldn't you? So make sure that you're not moping about if you're really serious about getting your ex back. Also, keep in touch with your ex a bit. Make sure he or she knows about the great things that are going on with you.
Don't just make it about you, though, involve your ex. Be responsive, receptive, and caring. Most of all, remember why you and your ex were together in the first place. If you can recapture that magic, you'll be going a long way to reminding your ex that you're a great person and worthy of a relationship.
Another avenue to consider is going out with other people yourself. One of the best ways to show your ex that you still have it is to have an active romantic life. Plus, when your former partner sees that you are still attractive to other people, they'll start to remember why they got with you in the first place. Never discount the power of envy, either! Most times, jealousy is an undesirable emotion. If your ex is jealous of your new partners, though, it might lead to the outcome you wanted all along!
The most important aspect of getting your ex back is moving on. If you are completely hung up on your ex, you'll always seem desperate, and your ex is likely not going to respond well to that. Even if you follow these tips to the letter, there are no guarantees. That doesn't mean you should give up, though! There was something that attracted you two together in the first place and there's a great chance you'll be able to get that feeling back!