How to Make a Photo Chain Curtain
- 1). Clean all of your old CDs with alcohol wipes to rid them of dirt and oil that may prevent glaze from drying properly. Use any kinds of CDs or CD ROMs you have on hand.
- 2). Place one of the CDs on the back of one of your favorite photos. Trace around the CD with a pencil. Check that the circle won’t cut out any of your favorite parts of the picture. Pictures with central groups of people or a centered focus work best.
- 3). Paint one side of the CD with clear paper glaze and press a cut photo into it. Paint a second coat of glaze on top of the photo. Repeat with each CD and allow them all to dry overnight.
- 4). Drill four holes into the edges of each CD with a high speed rotary tool and a 1/8 inch diameter drilling bit. If you connect the holes with an imaginary line, they should create a plus that divides each CD into four equal parts.
- 5). Pull open a 1-inch jump ring with your fingers and slip it through one of the holes in one of the CDs. Slip a second CD onto the ring and squeeze it closed. Repeat with one of the other holes in the CD, creating a long column of CD photos.
- 6). Connect all of your photos in long columns. Connect all of the columns through the holes in the left and right edges of the CDs, creating a large grid. Use jump rings at the very top of the grid to slip the curtain onto a curtain rod.