Stupid Or Smart? Drop Being a Silly Sensible Human, Enjoy the Games That You Choose to Experience
For eons of time, the mind has been placed upon a pedestal.
It has been given the task not only to dominate and control, but to analyse, judge and to inform and through it's mental theories it has unravelled complicated answers to your confused issues.
But due to its 'figuring out' abilities it easily becomes stressed, tired and worn out, because it cannot perceive anything beyond what it knows.
The mind places restrictions and boundaries on your abilities due to dwelling upon your past fears and limitations.
You become stuck and that block manifests in the body as a dis-ease.
Can you go beyond the mind to be away from the influence of the mental concepts and into your intuitive centre of feeling? The mind has developed judgments and opinions about yourself, to where it runs and controls your life according to how you see, feel and treat yourself.
To address your issues, problems and challenges can be broken down into 3 main categories.
Stupid and Silly 2.
Sensible and Smart 3.
Drop Being a Silly Sensible Human Let's take a look at each individual category: 1.
Stupid or Silly - Do you feel that you are unintelligent - to show a lack of intelligence, perception, or common sense? Do you make stupid mistakes? Do you feel irritatingly silly or do time-wasting things? Do you express irritation, anger, annoyance, or frustration? Do think you are stupid, dim, thick, dense, slow, dull, brainless, dim-witted, obtuse, not clever, unwise, foolish and silly or daft? If so, this is your story game, it is your surface potential that is creating these scenarios within your reality.
Your shadow potential is to be sensible and smart at times.
Sensible - Are you sensible and smart most of the time? Do you show good sense by demonstrating sound reason and judgment? Do you make sensible choices and decisions? Are you intelligent with a high IQ or level-headed, rational, reasonable or wise? Are you practical minded - to be awake or conscious - to have the capacity to understand something or to behave in a practical manner? Are your perceptions sensible - i.
how you perceive things through your senses? Are you aware of something that is emotional or intellectual? If so, this is your story game, it is your surface potential that is creating these scenarios within your reality.
Your shadow potential is to be stupid, silly, dumb or daft at times.
Drop Being a Silly Sensible Human - When things get complicated it is a creation from the mind.
Simplicity comes from the heart, your feeling centre.
Your beliefs are the basis that you have created your existence and experiences from - it forms who you think you are, and along with your beliefs it limits any unlimited potentials to be created.
Your mental perceptions are formed from your beliefs, so to avoid fear and scepticism it wants to understand everything.
This is a mental game which limits your experience.
You don't need to understand anything, you just choose to experience something or you don't.
You don't need to play the game of being unintelligent, stupid, silly, foolish, thick, dumb or daft and you don't need to play the game of being smart, sensible, level-headed, rational, intelligent or wise - unless you want to.
Being a silly, silly human is playing those dual games and thinking and believing that you are that and nothing else.
Your masquerade story games are not set in concrete, they are not fixed, they are not your truth - but it is your lie.
You have been told and taught that you are that, because you chose to experience that game from your karmic contract.
You can at any time of your life allow the dual opposite, to role play the game of your shadow potential to come to the surface.
If you think you are dumb, there will be times in your life that you are very smart and if you think you are smart most of the time, you will have experiences that are very stupid, silly and daft.
In either game you are not living your authentic nature or your truth because your story is fixed.
You have created these story games and it only becomes your lie when you think you have that certain trait, quality, character or personality - period.
Avoid bringing your past fears, failures and wounds into the future.
You may have made stupid mistakes in the past, but you don't have to bring that scenario into your future.
The wonderful factor is when you realize that your experiences are just a game because you have chosen it and you are responsible for that creation, can you accept it and honour yourself for choosing to play that game? Most of the time, these games come into play unconsciously.
How about making a conscious choice of what you choose to play? A Who Am I Formula can help you to understand and accept your experiences and to begin to make conscious choices.
Whatever role game you have created you can stop playing that game - what you create you can also un-create.
When you choose to experience a certain story game and when you want to finish playing with that belief or game, just release it and be daring to choose again.
Can you drop being a silly-sensible human and just enjoy the games that you are choosing to experience! Have fun with life.
It has been given the task not only to dominate and control, but to analyse, judge and to inform and through it's mental theories it has unravelled complicated answers to your confused issues.
But due to its 'figuring out' abilities it easily becomes stressed, tired and worn out, because it cannot perceive anything beyond what it knows.
The mind places restrictions and boundaries on your abilities due to dwelling upon your past fears and limitations.
You become stuck and that block manifests in the body as a dis-ease.
Can you go beyond the mind to be away from the influence of the mental concepts and into your intuitive centre of feeling? The mind has developed judgments and opinions about yourself, to where it runs and controls your life according to how you see, feel and treat yourself.
To address your issues, problems and challenges can be broken down into 3 main categories.
Stupid and Silly 2.
Sensible and Smart 3.
Drop Being a Silly Sensible Human Let's take a look at each individual category: 1.
Stupid or Silly - Do you feel that you are unintelligent - to show a lack of intelligence, perception, or common sense? Do you make stupid mistakes? Do you feel irritatingly silly or do time-wasting things? Do you express irritation, anger, annoyance, or frustration? Do think you are stupid, dim, thick, dense, slow, dull, brainless, dim-witted, obtuse, not clever, unwise, foolish and silly or daft? If so, this is your story game, it is your surface potential that is creating these scenarios within your reality.
Your shadow potential is to be sensible and smart at times.
Sensible - Are you sensible and smart most of the time? Do you show good sense by demonstrating sound reason and judgment? Do you make sensible choices and decisions? Are you intelligent with a high IQ or level-headed, rational, reasonable or wise? Are you practical minded - to be awake or conscious - to have the capacity to understand something or to behave in a practical manner? Are your perceptions sensible - i.
how you perceive things through your senses? Are you aware of something that is emotional or intellectual? If so, this is your story game, it is your surface potential that is creating these scenarios within your reality.
Your shadow potential is to be stupid, silly, dumb or daft at times.
Drop Being a Silly Sensible Human - When things get complicated it is a creation from the mind.
Simplicity comes from the heart, your feeling centre.
Your beliefs are the basis that you have created your existence and experiences from - it forms who you think you are, and along with your beliefs it limits any unlimited potentials to be created.
Your mental perceptions are formed from your beliefs, so to avoid fear and scepticism it wants to understand everything.
This is a mental game which limits your experience.
You don't need to understand anything, you just choose to experience something or you don't.
You don't need to play the game of being unintelligent, stupid, silly, foolish, thick, dumb or daft and you don't need to play the game of being smart, sensible, level-headed, rational, intelligent or wise - unless you want to.
Being a silly, silly human is playing those dual games and thinking and believing that you are that and nothing else.
Your masquerade story games are not set in concrete, they are not fixed, they are not your truth - but it is your lie.
You have been told and taught that you are that, because you chose to experience that game from your karmic contract.
You can at any time of your life allow the dual opposite, to role play the game of your shadow potential to come to the surface.
If you think you are dumb, there will be times in your life that you are very smart and if you think you are smart most of the time, you will have experiences that are very stupid, silly and daft.
In either game you are not living your authentic nature or your truth because your story is fixed.
You have created these story games and it only becomes your lie when you think you have that certain trait, quality, character or personality - period.
Avoid bringing your past fears, failures and wounds into the future.
You may have made stupid mistakes in the past, but you don't have to bring that scenario into your future.
The wonderful factor is when you realize that your experiences are just a game because you have chosen it and you are responsible for that creation, can you accept it and honour yourself for choosing to play that game? Most of the time, these games come into play unconsciously.
How about making a conscious choice of what you choose to play? A Who Am I Formula can help you to understand and accept your experiences and to begin to make conscious choices.
Whatever role game you have created you can stop playing that game - what you create you can also un-create.
When you choose to experience a certain story game and when you want to finish playing with that belief or game, just release it and be daring to choose again.
Can you drop being a silly-sensible human and just enjoy the games that you are choosing to experience! Have fun with life.