How to Gel Stain a Fiberglass Door
- 1). Wipe down the surface of the door with a clean rag and a household detergent or denatured alcohol. Remove all dirt, grease and residues from the surface of the door.
- 2). With masking tape, tape off the door hardware, windows and trim pieces you do not want to stain.
- 3). Apply the gel stain to the door surface with a paint brush. Use a generous amount of stain, but not so much that the stain drips. Many gel stains are drip-free, but some will drip when too much stain is applied at once. Reload your brush often as you paint.
- 4). Allow the gel stain to set up and dry for 12 hours or more as indicated by the stain's label.
- 5). When the gel stain is completely dry, apply the top coat over it. First, wipe down the door with a clean rag to remove any dust. Then use a paintbrush to apply the top coat on the door. Apply the top coat in several coats (up to four or five coats, depending on what the top coat manufacturer recommends). Allow each coat to completely dry before applying the next coat. Drying may take between four and 12 hours. Check the label of the top coat for approximate drying times. The top coat must be dry to the touch before you apply the next coat.