Definiteness Of Purpose Is The Tool For Wealth Creation

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Your purpose in life dictates your passion.
There is a powerful connection between your purpose and your money supply.
Discover your personal purpose because that is the one thing that defines your area of willingness, passion, motivation and fulfillment.
One of the powerful truths that will release your freedom is the truth about who you are.
Discover who you are.
You have got to build your life in line with you uniqueness, You have to know what your personal values and needs are.
"Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it" definiteness of purpose is the most potent tool for wealth creation.
God's power and anointing is locked inside divine purpose (Roman s 8:28).
If you develop a vision for yourself then you have to find the provision by yourself.
You must be absolutely sure of where you are going.
Define what drives and motivates you.
That is where you will find out that your financial breakthrough is tied to your uniqueness.
It is very difficult for you to try to be somebody else and get the same breakthrough that the person is getting.
You need to define your uniqueness.
Your purpose in life should affect your choice of career, the company you are working with and so on.
Understanding of your assignment should dictate decisions in all the vital areas of your life.
Your purpose is not your decision, it is your discovery.
The questions you need to ask is "who am I? "why am I here? "where am I coming from? "where am I going?.
You must first of all discover your purpose.
Check your gifts and talents.
Check your temperament.
Check your dominant traits you have a combination of gifts which are unique to you.
You cannot separate your financial breakthrough from your gifts.
You have to find out what you love and what you hate.
You have to pursue the things that make you different from others, John Helmenson said.
"Imitation is your limitation, the more you try to be like someone else, the best you can be is second best".
Some people work for money and all they got from working is money.
But those who have lined up their life work with their personal values derive something more than money from their work.
they derive fulfillment and self worth because they operate in their area of expertise and gifting.
Line up your life with your personal values and needs.
If you come around anybody that is trying to make your gift or temperament look inferior to his or her own, walk away from that person.
You may never succeed around that person.
There is nobody's gift that is better than the other.
We need all of the different gifts.
George Bernard Shaw said: "The reasonable man adapt himself to the world; the unreasonable man adapts the world to himself, therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man".
Most people want to fit into the mold that is been designed by others.
We tend to want to live up to other people's schedules, but rather fit other people into your schedules.
You have only one life to live.
That is what purpose does for you.
It gives you sense of direction.
If you do not know where you are going other people will carry you along the way to where they are going.
If you do not have a vision of your own, you will spend the rest of your life fulfilling other people's vision.
Learn to do things to suit you.
You cannot please everybody.
The best way to be blessed is for you to be yourself.
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