How to Build a Monorail Car
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Create a large electromagnet. Wrap the copper wire around a metal core. Choose a metal core should be either copper or steel. The poles of the electromagnetic should be long, so avoid using piping; look for a block of metal rather than piping. If you must use piping, find one with a large diameter so that it can act like a block of metal, then wrap it around tightly and make the application rather thick. - 2). Create multiple small electromagnets to place on a track. These smaller versions can be made from piping. These will help propel the monorail car forward.
- 3). Place the smaller electromagnets in succession one after another so that when one is triggered it will pull the car forward.
- 4). Create the frame for your monorail car from a block of wood. Make sure your frame is long enough to hold all the necessary electronics.
- 5). Take apart the disposable cameras, one for every small electromagnet you have made. The disposable camera has a microchip and capacitor capable of very high voltages to be released all at once (the flash mechanism). This will be used to pull the car along the tracks.
- 6). Wire up each of the microchips from the disposable cameras to the smaller electromagnets. These need to be triggered in succession to pull the car forward along the tracks.
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Place the larger electromagnets within the frame you have created out of wood. Find an appropriate power supply that will allow it to float above the tracks. Look at 9-volt batteries and multiples of them. Place the car over the track you have created of electromagnets and make sure the poles are opposites so that they repel each other.