Simple Inspirations - 7 Secrets to Juggling Time Effectively
"I would like to start my own business, but there just doesn't seem to be any time!" "I cannot build a significant business working only part-time!" Do these statements sound familiar? What do you have 168 of that you share with Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, George Clooney and Warren Buffet? Do you ever find yourself looking at successful or accomplished people around you and wondering how they find the time? You know that lady with four kids who works all day, is the president of the PTA, serves on 2 volunteer committees and finds the time to bake bread for the local homeless shelter! How can they juggle so many balls, keep them all in the air and make it look effortless? And, darn it, their hair looks so good too.
They too have 168 of these! Do you give up? Or did you guess that we all have 168 hours in a week? I used to wonder how it was that other people got so much done in their 168 hours, and at the end of mine, I was shocked that another week had passed.
And then I had to try to figure out how to fit twice as much into the next one! Probably the most common reason - or let's cut to the chase - excuse people have for not pursuing the dream of owning their own business is the perceived lack of time.
And yet, we know that millions of people are making money with their own businesses and they have the same 168 hours in a week that we do.
When I began my business from home I learned that there is an art to juggling - not balls in this case, but activity.
Thankfully, it is an art that can be learned.
I found these time management tips to be the most useful for increasing my personal productivity.
Use these 7 secrets and keep your juggling act fresh: 1.
Take a hard look at your 168.
What do you do with those hours? What is totally non-negotiable - work, family activities, worship, sleep, eating? Keep a scrupulous calendar for one week.
Map out each half hour and write down what you have done.
Find the negotiable time.
On average, we have 20 hours of time that is usable and most of us spend a good amount of that with the television.
So, how much is your TV really costing you? 2.
Create a road map.
Have written directions that will spell out your priorities.
If you know exactly where you want to be in a month, in 6 months, in a year, you will be able to evaluate your activity and determine whether it is getting you closer to your destination.
Download a copy of my Goal Inventory Worksheets at my website.
Make an appointment you keep.
You would not just ditch an appointment with your top client, coffee with your best friend, or that doctor's appointment it took you 6 months to get.
Don't ditch yourself.
This appointment, if kept weekly, could lead to your financial freedom.
Use the nooks and crannies.
Make the most of the time you do have.
Those 20 hours that we have on average, do not often, unfortunately, come in chunks.
So, make the time you have over lunch, on the commute to work, in the carpool lane or while you cook dinner, productive time.
Write your daily SIX.
Each night before you stop working or before you retire for the night, take 15 minutes to write 6 activities that will get you closer to your goal.
This is not your regular to-do list, these are money making, productive activities that will further you along your path.
Now, prioritize these activities with the hardest one being first.
Do productive activity daily! You wrote down 6 activities the night before.
Do the hardest one first.
You will feel so productive, the rest will be easy! 7.
Have a designated place to work.
This is the only one that, at first glance, does not seem to be time related.
It is though! We are not making effective use of our time when we have to put everything up when we need to eat, so the dining room table is not your space.
Having a place where you can lay your work out and leave it to come back to makes it so much easier to work when you have a nook or cranny available.
Make this a space that the kids, spouse and even the dog know is yours and know not to bother.
With planning and perseverance, you can win the "No Time War".
Now, go be Inspired AND Productive!
They too have 168 of these! Do you give up? Or did you guess that we all have 168 hours in a week? I used to wonder how it was that other people got so much done in their 168 hours, and at the end of mine, I was shocked that another week had passed.
And then I had to try to figure out how to fit twice as much into the next one! Probably the most common reason - or let's cut to the chase - excuse people have for not pursuing the dream of owning their own business is the perceived lack of time.
And yet, we know that millions of people are making money with their own businesses and they have the same 168 hours in a week that we do.
When I began my business from home I learned that there is an art to juggling - not balls in this case, but activity.
Thankfully, it is an art that can be learned.
I found these time management tips to be the most useful for increasing my personal productivity.
Use these 7 secrets and keep your juggling act fresh: 1.
Take a hard look at your 168.
What do you do with those hours? What is totally non-negotiable - work, family activities, worship, sleep, eating? Keep a scrupulous calendar for one week.
Map out each half hour and write down what you have done.
Find the negotiable time.
On average, we have 20 hours of time that is usable and most of us spend a good amount of that with the television.
So, how much is your TV really costing you? 2.
Create a road map.
Have written directions that will spell out your priorities.
If you know exactly where you want to be in a month, in 6 months, in a year, you will be able to evaluate your activity and determine whether it is getting you closer to your destination.
Download a copy of my Goal Inventory Worksheets at my website.
Make an appointment you keep.
You would not just ditch an appointment with your top client, coffee with your best friend, or that doctor's appointment it took you 6 months to get.
Don't ditch yourself.
This appointment, if kept weekly, could lead to your financial freedom.
Use the nooks and crannies.
Make the most of the time you do have.
Those 20 hours that we have on average, do not often, unfortunately, come in chunks.
So, make the time you have over lunch, on the commute to work, in the carpool lane or while you cook dinner, productive time.
Write your daily SIX.
Each night before you stop working or before you retire for the night, take 15 minutes to write 6 activities that will get you closer to your goal.
This is not your regular to-do list, these are money making, productive activities that will further you along your path.
Now, prioritize these activities with the hardest one being first.
Do productive activity daily! You wrote down 6 activities the night before.
Do the hardest one first.
You will feel so productive, the rest will be easy! 7.
Have a designated place to work.
This is the only one that, at first glance, does not seem to be time related.
It is though! We are not making effective use of our time when we have to put everything up when we need to eat, so the dining room table is not your space.
Having a place where you can lay your work out and leave it to come back to makes it so much easier to work when you have a nook or cranny available.
Make this a space that the kids, spouse and even the dog know is yours and know not to bother.
With planning and perseverance, you can win the "No Time War".
Now, go be Inspired AND Productive!