Personal Loyalty
Your life is your decision.
Trying to please others or work out what they want is a waste of energy.
It is a concept we have been taught as children and only creates confusion and a feeling of obligation.
When we are loyal to ourselves first we will feel more fulfilled and everything else will fall into place easily and in the right timing.
As children we are taught that we need approval from our parents to be happy, so for the rest of our life we are looking for someone to give us that approval.
We are told we are selfish when we think of ourselves first.
Women in particular feel guilty when they put themselves first because they are often programmed to look after everyone else before themselves and then this creates expectation from those around them.
"Some of us spend our whole lives living for other people"Pleasing others to get that approval, acceptance, a pat on the back or reward is usually short-lived and makes us feel unfulfilled and empty.
When we worry what others think of us we may change who we really are to fit in with what we think they want us to be, we may change our actions, thoughts, or words when we sense we are being judged or disapproved of.
We put up a facade instead of being who we really are.
This type of behaviour drains our energy and enjoyment.
The more we depend on someone or something on the outside the more we give away our freedom and let ourselves be dominated by them; essentially we become a slave to that concept or belief.
Looking after our selves first does not mean we are not able to care for others in fact we will do a much better job of it if we do look after ourselves first because we will have more energy and joy in our life and this will then allow us to have more to give to others.
It means we are being honest with ourselves and others and we do not do things at the expense of denying our true feelings.
It is your responsibility to love yourself enough to care and look after yourself first, no one in the world is more important to you than you.