How to Redo Kitchen Countertops And Bathroom Countertops
- 1). Paint The Counters.
Simply select a shade of paint that you like and use it to paint the counter. You will need to prime the counter first and then coat with two coats of the paint. When paint is dry, coat with four to six coats of a polycrylic clear coat. - 2). Apply a Faux Finish To The Counter.
Prime counter, then apply a base coat in the color of your choice. Then using a sponge or rag, dab on a different color as a top coat. You can experiment with how much paint to add to the rag and create very interesting designs. If you are nervous about the design, you can purchase a special faux finish tool (looks like a mini paint roller) that will create a faux finish very easily. - 3). Spray Paint The Counter.
There are many spray paints available in stone, hammered and various other finishes. To do this, remove everything from your kitchen or bathroom and tape plastic extending two feet up the walls from the countertops. Prime the counter top and then spray paint the counter with two coats of paint using long even paint strokes. When dry, seal with four to six coats of polycrylic clear sealant. - 4). Wallpaper The Counters.
Select a wallpaper that is easily tearable and has a marbled or granite appearance. Tear into irregular strips using a downward and to the right motion. Glue the strips onto the counter overlapping each piece. When counter is covered, seal with four to six coats of polycrylic clear sealant.