How to Draw 3D People
- 1). Draw a light, vertical line in the middle of your paper using a ruler as a guide. This line should be considered as the guiding line of the body's spine. Draw the three primary aspects of the human body on top of the line in this order: An oval for the head, a long rectangle for the body's ribcage and a triangle for the pelvis. Make sure each body part is just a basic shape.
- 2). Begin drawing basic shapes regarding the rest of the human body. Note: These sketches should be done with a light hand. Draw football shapes for the shoulders. The arms and legs should be shaped like two 3D sausage links on either side of the body, featuring two elongated ovals for arms and longer elongated ovals for the legs.
- 3). Connect these basic body parts with 3D oval joints--but also add neck lines that connect the oval head to the chest and shoulder lines that connect the arms to the chest frame. The legs should be drawn in, attached at the realistic areas of the human pelvis. Draw the limbs connecting the way the human body's own arms and legs do, with realistic protruding joints.
- 4). Build the skeletal and basic frames of your developing person by adding 3D muscles. Rely on your own knowledge of the human body and how it looks in your drawing guides. Draw curves and shapes that develop the chest frame for a male or female. Add highlights while also adjusting the contour lines to look more proportionate to the human body. Fill in the arms and legs with realistic-looking 3D muscles, which means you'll need to apply shading to make the necessary grooves.
- 5). Keep forming these body parts into realistic and 3D parts. Build up with more complicated body features, including details such as the eyes, nose and mouth of the face. Draw in traditional features of the face as if on a sphere too; check out the third reference for a complete online guide to adding realistic dimensions on the human body.
- 6). Add in areas where bone structure will be sticking out. Review pictures of a body to judge the best positions for each feature of the body should be added. Bones that should be enhanced are the clavicle around the base of the neck; the wrist and finger joints. Study the third resource for helpful 3D drawing lessons.
- 7). Draw in the hands and feet. Start with simple outlines. They should be main ovals that will start as the central portion. Draw thinner ovals for fingers and toes. Draw them the way most fingers and toes are--slightly bent. Build the muscles, and add in realistic-looking spherical joints. The first resource will help you learn more about drawing these 3D features.
- 8). Add clothing to the 3D figure such as a shirt, hat, pants or a skirt. Draw the clothes as basic shapes at first, then begin making them more realistic. Make them hang on the body the way clothing is worn on the human body. Once the clothing is drawn in, you can add in fashionable patterns or textures. Sketch shoes that cover the figure's feet, too.