The Five Questions You Must Ask Yourself About Change
Recently this email blasted its way into my inbox: "You can change your mindset effortlessly and easily in just 15 minutes.
" Really? Change, in whatever form it means for you, is not an easy business.
Think of it this way...
could you change your physical self in 15 minutes? Why would we think our psychological self would change that quickly? Don't get me wrong, you can make the decision to change instantly, but it's in the follow through where actual change takes place.
Equally important is knowing when you are ready for change.
It's so very easy to talk ourselves out of change isn't it?
It is very courageous to look the lizard in the eye and start making the changes you want to have happen in your life.
So how do you do it? Change begins when you recognize and acknowledge the very things you want to change.
This often entails looking at traits or characteristics about yourself that you may not like.
It involves things like flexibility, accountability, and responsibility.
It requires letting go of old and worn out ways of thinking and doing in order to open and receive new thoughts and shifts.
Many times the things we want to change seem too big or overwhelming and we don't know where to start.
Without sounding glib or flip, I suggest you start where you are.
Inventory your PLOPS (present levels of performance) in the areas you want to change and start looking at where you can start implementing small steps.
Here are some questions that will get you started in thinking about the changes you want to make:
" Really? Change, in whatever form it means for you, is not an easy business.
Think of it this way...
could you change your physical self in 15 minutes? Why would we think our psychological self would change that quickly? Don't get me wrong, you can make the decision to change instantly, but it's in the follow through where actual change takes place.
Equally important is knowing when you are ready for change.
It's so very easy to talk ourselves out of change isn't it?
- Things are really that bad are they?
- What if things get worse?
- I'm afraid of what change may mean.
- What will other people think of me?
- This is the way things have always been done.
It is very courageous to look the lizard in the eye and start making the changes you want to have happen in your life.
So how do you do it? Change begins when you recognize and acknowledge the very things you want to change.
This often entails looking at traits or characteristics about yourself that you may not like.
It involves things like flexibility, accountability, and responsibility.
It requires letting go of old and worn out ways of thinking and doing in order to open and receive new thoughts and shifts.
Many times the things we want to change seem too big or overwhelming and we don't know where to start.
Without sounding glib or flip, I suggest you start where you are.
Inventory your PLOPS (present levels of performance) in the areas you want to change and start looking at where you can start implementing small steps.
Here are some questions that will get you started in thinking about the changes you want to make:
- What are the specific changes I want to make?
- WHY do I want to make these changes? (Your WHY, not someone else's!)
- Where am I now? (PLOPS)
- Who can help me in making these changes?