Boomers Learn How to Grow at Their Second Saturn Return

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As children, you rode in cars with no seat belts or air bags.Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always aspecial treat. You drank water from the garden hose and not froma bottle. You shared one soft drink with four friends, from onebottle, and no one actually died from this. You'd leave home inthe morning and play all day, walk to school, as long as youwere back when the streetlights came on. No one was able toreach you all day. And you were OK. Besides Mom was always backhome. You only had one car.

You're a Boomer and now you're turning 60. You're going to beexperiencing your second Saturn Return.

Baby Boomers are turning sixty! So much to think about. So muchstill to learn. Yours is the generation that was conceived toheal the war weary, wounded, bereft and traumatized. Yourconception after the death of over 40,000,000 soldiers in WorldWar II symbolized a rebirth of hope in humankind. Life goes on.

Some of you were born into families in countries that werevictorious to fathers who were heroes. Other were born to mendealing with the bitterness and humiliation of defeat and lostpersonal opportunities such as educational years and jobadvancement. In all countries that participated in the Warincluding the United States, lack of essential goods continuedfor many years. Your families lived with want and hope ascompanions.

Conceived at the same time as you, the countries of India andPakistan (founded August 15, 1947 with Saturn at 13 degrees Leo)and Israel (founded May 14, 1948 with Saturn at 16 Leo) made ascontroversial appearances on the world scene as could possiblybe imagined, all three fighting for their lives from the momentof birth. Civil unrest broke out immediately between East andWest Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands were killed. A year later,India and Pakistan warred over Kashmir. Within 24 hours ofIsrael's birth, it was attacked by the combined armies of itsArab neighbors, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

The war cry of the Baby Boomer could be, "Fight for your life!"This is because Saturn was conjunct Pluto during these years.This was the beginning of a new world order commenced when thetwo planets were partile on August 3, 1947, just days before thefounding of India and Pakistan.

These three countries are celebrating their second SaturnReturns along with Boomers. At their first Returns around 1975,Israel and the Arabs were again at war - the Yom Kippur War. InIndia, Indira Ghandi declared a state of emergency after beingfound guilty of electoral malpractice. Nearly 1,000 politicalopponents were imprisoned and a program of compulsory birthcontrol was introduced.

In Pakistan, riots erupted over allegations of vote-rigging byZulfiqar Ali Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP). General Ziaul-Haq staged a military coup and a year later, Zia wasproclaimed president. Bhutto was hanged.

The Defense Department and the CIA were created in 1946. SouthKorea was founded (August 15, 1948 Saturn at 28 degrees of Leo).At South Korea's first Saturn Return, General Park Chung-hee,who assumed power in 1961 through a military coup, wasassassinated. General Chun Doo-hwan assumed power. The followingyear, martial law was declared. In the city of Kwangju at least200 were killed by the army, causing resentment that has yet tofade. The fifth republic and new constitution resulted.

At this point you might be wondering, "What happened to me at myfirst Saturn Return?" Answering this question can help predictwhat will happen at your second Return. Please refer back to1975-79, when you were 28-30 years old. This can help you makesense of things in the overall game plan of life.

Many Boomers began new careers, divorced or married for thefirst time between the ages of 28-30.

Karen Lafferty (the names are changed, the stories are true)describes it this way: "Thirty years ago in 1975, I had movedacross the country, taken up residence with a nice man, and hadentered college. In 1976 or 77, I did the old est Training andafterwards approached my dad about creating our relationship allover again and he agreed. I also discovered that one of mydaughters had ... a genetic condition.... My other daughter haddecided to live with her father. So things were going on. Ithink I faired well through all of this and did quite a bit ofmaturing. It was the 70s and I was exploring all my boundaries,my intellect, my mothering skills, and testing pretty muchwhatever waters I could. I had no idea what I wanted as aprofession and I floundered around.

Karen hasn't experienced her second SR yet but wishes to: "... ridmyself of the vestiges of emotional c--- that my father put onme. The things he pounded into me: I'm dumb. I'm not goodenough. I'm ugly. I can never have what I want or be what Iwant. I will cause suffering to the people who are closest tome. I'm being punished just for being here. I don't deserve tobe alive. I should have died instead of my brother....Just areal load of garbage that intellectually doesn't make sense, butsome of which I still feel. I've worked through the worst of it,but there are still some hangers on, like I'm not good enough.Monica Short says, "I hated my father and I remember it wasespecially so around 1958 to about 1974 or 75.... When I gotmarried in 1975, it seems our relationship became softer, andafter my parents moved back to Xxx in 1976, we became almostfriends. I still never was able to discuss my real feelings orbeliefs, or talk to him about world issues, but we were able tolaugh about things. I must say he taught me a lot aboutelectricity, about cars, about how things work, and I miss himfor that. ... I also think he would have loved computers and whatthey do." Monica's sister also married that year and they beganto have a better relationship. Monica is currently making atransition from management to creative writing and is pursuing abisexual lifestyle.

Boomer Leon Tuttle explains, "My father and I had quite aproblem when I was growing up. Teenage rebellion as I recall it.I did however, tell him that I hated him and he still continuesto bring it up. I explained to him that I didn't hate him butdidn't like the way he treated me.... In 1975 my wife gave birthto our daughter. She [had] promised to raise our children asCatholics, but when our daughter was born she took her to [aProtestant] church to have her baptized and never bothered toconsult with me or to invite my relatives. This broke a promiseto my father who did not want me to marry outside the church...."Leon divorced his wife. At that same time, the company he workedfor burned to the ground. Leon was not allowed to see hisdaughter. He never had enough money to go back through thecourts. He feels his life was ruined. Leon mentions severalcareer things he would like to happen at his second Return. Heis an inventor. He says, "Hope springs eternal. Perhaps the lastyears of my life will bring to fruition some of my dreams?"

Rory Peters was in a bad marriage and because of that she had anabortion at her first SR. She stayed in the marriage another 20years. At her second SR she's "overworked, underpaid and notrespected" in the cosmetics field and is "currently in arelationship with a gentleman 16 years [her] junior. "He haslived with me for 4 years," she says, "and has paid nothing forhis upkeep. I'm nothing more than a mother maybe less to him. Iam so in need of clear direction for my crazy life."

Latonya Xandra lost both parents at her first SR, divorced,began a new career and started on her spiritual path. As asingle parent, she had little time to date and was scarred bychildhood incest issues with her father. At her second SR shereconnected with a man she met at 30 who had always loved her.She was able to work through her sexual issues with him andtheir relationship has been very healing. She feels it is herreward for working on her Saturn issues. Saturn is in her 8thhouse of sexuality, trust and bonded relations.

As you can see, often Saturn in Leo has issues with the father.Karen Lafferty and Monica Short tried to heal relationships withtheir fathers, something that still troubles Monica at hersecond Return. Leon Tuttle's father and ex-wife made his life aliving hell. Latonya Xandra's father had an incestuousrelationship with her which she has tried to heal.

Some famous Boomers are also preparing to experience theirsecond Saturn Returns. Camilla Parker Bowles married PrinceCharles during her second Return. At his first Saturn Return,Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared in the documentary Pumping Ironwhich made him famous. He also met and married Maria Shriver.Near his second Return Schwarzenegger's future as Governor ofCalifornia is uncertain as he sinks lower in the polls. LauraBush married George Dubya during her first SR. Steven Spielbergproduced Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

One of my favorite actors, Jeremy Irons married his second wife,Sinead Cusack. Mikhail Baryshnikov, who defected to America in1974, switched to the New York Ballet at his SR to work withGeorge Ballachine. Perhaps Andrew Lloyd Webber will have areversal of fortunes at his second SR. At his first, he producedthe hit Evita. Recently he has had many failures and lostmillions.

Whether famous or still waiting to be famous, the task forBoomers at the second Saturn Return is to come to terms with thelife they've lived. It is best to take life in two segments:From 0 to 30, how did your childhood,
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