How I Use Facebook
FaceboOK account
OK so I am going to come straight out with it and assume that you have a FaceboOK account? If you don't then you are leaving hell of a lot of money on the table. Having a FaceboOK account in this digital age is becoming all the more crucial and for me it has become a way of life. I use my FaceboOK account for so many things which I will go through in time, however being such a broad topic, I will split them into different posts for you, try and make it a little easier to digest!
So FaceboOK has become a big part of many other peoples lives too, I mean come on, half the world is on FaceboOK. I have not got the statistics of it, but I am sure they are sky high (I'm not a stats man really). people have used their FaceboOK accounts in the past for different reasons than they do now. Businesses quickly realized the potential in such a huge social platform and because of the virality of FaceboOK posts now, you don't really even need to use advertising out the gate, because people are already so active in the posts!
A Sharing FaceboOK account
Like I said people first starting using FaceboOK as a more social platform, you know, to actually talk to each other and share personal stuff. Then the businesses came in a began to use the potential that was in the sharing around that people were doing. I am one of those people and I know that FaceboOK is only going to get better to promote on. I have spOKen a lot about the need to attract your leads through good quality content, this is no different when you are using your FaceboOK account. However instead of sharing just my personal information, I will often relate this to a topic within one of my business interests. If I share posts etc on personal development, I wont just declare that I found it interesting, I will always provide my own views, information and if possible tips on the thing I am sharing. That way you are hitting two birds with one stone, you're getting personal with your audience, plus you are providing good quality content that people can actually use.
Here's the key though, you are NOT, I repeat not spamming. I never post offer after offer on my page or my personal account. In fact never on my personal account, that I use to get to know people and offer any help that I can. My page is for that stuff. You have to remember that the stuff you post on FaceboOK, will appear on peoples feeds and they won't be too pleased if they keep getting ad offer after offer. I forgot to mention that you're FaceboOK account has the potential to be flagged up if you keep posting offers on your personal profile, don't do it.
Use You're FaceboOK Account To Foster Relationships
This is something that I truly believe is the key to building a successful buyers list, as well as being a long term platform to promote your products. Your business page is most effective because of the ability to meet people you don't actually know, however as your relationship progresses, it is good to friend them on your FaceboOK account profile. This is a great way to build value as well, as you can then invite people to any events online or offline that you may have.
Something that I often do to build further value with friends and prospects alike, is to host a webinar, and promote it through the events on FaceboOK. What this allows you to do is invite your own friends and at the same time make it a significantly more €out there€ post. People are much more likely to be interested in a scheduled event and if they have also been invited to it.
With my FaceboOK account, I would also like to point out that I really inject my own personality into my posts and everything I engage with. I may swear, I may be controversial, but if you're acting like who you really are, then you are just going to appear like everyone else, GENERIC. Its better to appear different and some people to like you and others dislike you, than to not be recognized by anyone. If people don't like you, that's tough shit, its their problem not yours, you were probably never even going to connect anyway!
A final Word
So this is how I use my FaceboOK account and to its maximum potential I feel, but how do you use FaceboOK? Is it purely recreational? Do you use it for business? Or maybe you like to get on there to be nosy!
As always,
Dedicated To Your Success,
Joe - Six Figure Mentors
OK so I am going to come straight out with it and assume that you have a FaceboOK account? If you don't then you are leaving hell of a lot of money on the table. Having a FaceboOK account in this digital age is becoming all the more crucial and for me it has become a way of life. I use my FaceboOK account for so many things which I will go through in time, however being such a broad topic, I will split them into different posts for you, try and make it a little easier to digest!
So FaceboOK has become a big part of many other peoples lives too, I mean come on, half the world is on FaceboOK. I have not got the statistics of it, but I am sure they are sky high (I'm not a stats man really). people have used their FaceboOK accounts in the past for different reasons than they do now. Businesses quickly realized the potential in such a huge social platform and because of the virality of FaceboOK posts now, you don't really even need to use advertising out the gate, because people are already so active in the posts!
A Sharing FaceboOK account
Like I said people first starting using FaceboOK as a more social platform, you know, to actually talk to each other and share personal stuff. Then the businesses came in a began to use the potential that was in the sharing around that people were doing. I am one of those people and I know that FaceboOK is only going to get better to promote on. I have spOKen a lot about the need to attract your leads through good quality content, this is no different when you are using your FaceboOK account. However instead of sharing just my personal information, I will often relate this to a topic within one of my business interests. If I share posts etc on personal development, I wont just declare that I found it interesting, I will always provide my own views, information and if possible tips on the thing I am sharing. That way you are hitting two birds with one stone, you're getting personal with your audience, plus you are providing good quality content that people can actually use.
Here's the key though, you are NOT, I repeat not spamming. I never post offer after offer on my page or my personal account. In fact never on my personal account, that I use to get to know people and offer any help that I can. My page is for that stuff. You have to remember that the stuff you post on FaceboOK, will appear on peoples feeds and they won't be too pleased if they keep getting ad offer after offer. I forgot to mention that you're FaceboOK account has the potential to be flagged up if you keep posting offers on your personal profile, don't do it.
Use You're FaceboOK Account To Foster Relationships
This is something that I truly believe is the key to building a successful buyers list, as well as being a long term platform to promote your products. Your business page is most effective because of the ability to meet people you don't actually know, however as your relationship progresses, it is good to friend them on your FaceboOK account profile. This is a great way to build value as well, as you can then invite people to any events online or offline that you may have.
Something that I often do to build further value with friends and prospects alike, is to host a webinar, and promote it through the events on FaceboOK. What this allows you to do is invite your own friends and at the same time make it a significantly more €out there€ post. People are much more likely to be interested in a scheduled event and if they have also been invited to it.
With my FaceboOK account, I would also like to point out that I really inject my own personality into my posts and everything I engage with. I may swear, I may be controversial, but if you're acting like who you really are, then you are just going to appear like everyone else, GENERIC. Its better to appear different and some people to like you and others dislike you, than to not be recognized by anyone. If people don't like you, that's tough shit, its their problem not yours, you were probably never even going to connect anyway!
A final Word
So this is how I use my FaceboOK account and to its maximum potential I feel, but how do you use FaceboOK? Is it purely recreational? Do you use it for business? Or maybe you like to get on there to be nosy!
As always,
Dedicated To Your Success,
Joe - Six Figure Mentors