Pregnancy and Back Pain - What"s Normal and What Isn"t!

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Pregnancy and Backpain: Do they really have to go together? What can you do to relieve your back pain during pregnancy? Although many people will tell you that back pain is normal in pregnancy there is a lot you and your Physiotherapist can do to control the pain.
However the curve in your lower back is under more strain in pregnancy so you must support it.
I advise my clients to use a lumbar roll in the base of their backs while sitting and to place pillows under their knees when lying on their backs.
This reduces the pressure on the painful lower back.
When side lying try two small pillows between the knees.
If this does not relieve your pain fully ask your physiotherapist to tape your lower back to unload the painful segment of your spine.
Sacro-iliac pain can be helped by postural techniques also.
Pelvis pain which is more than an ache requires attention.
When a bone in the pelvis moves out of place-most commonly the Ilium the result can be severe pain on movement especially walking and climbing stairs.
Correction of this pregnancy injury is simple and effective if diagnosed and treated correctly.
Due to your ligamentous laxity which is normal in pregnancy the bones move out of place easily.
However they too move back in easily once the correct method of correction is used.
Ask your Chartered physiotherapist.
Once the bone has been put back in place a pregnancy stability belt will be issued to you to support this lax area for the remainder of your pregnancy.
This belt does not weaken the back but supports it so that the moving bone does not move out of position again.
It is of great importance to have this bone position corrected as if not it may cause extra pain in labour which I need not tell you is not wanted!! Low back pain and sciatica during pregnancy respond well to mobilisation.
I help people by moving the overstrained bones and ligaments away from the nerve they are pressing on thus easing leg pain.
I then teach my clients how to relieve this pain themselves at home should it return with simple yet specific exercises.
Posture again is very important.
Will your back pain re-occur after your baby is born? For the majority of women their back pain will disappear after their baby is born.
However if you had a pain during pregnancy that has not gone after one week then seek advice.
It may be that a bone in your pelvis which moved out of place during your pregnancy has not found its way home.
It may need a little help so don't wait as the longer it is out of place the harder it will be to resolve it.
Alternatively if your back pain during pregnancy was totally due to the positional pressures on your spine from poor posture and ligamentous laxity, it may take six months for your symptoms to disappear fully.
Please note however that time alone will not heal this type of pain.
You need to be doing post natal pelvic floor and core stability exercises from the outset to rebuild the sound structural support system you once had.
Often I hear mothers saying to me that they wished they had done more exercises for their pelvis and core postnatally as they found their next pregnancy harder due to same.
Listen to your body and seek appropriate advice.
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