Hard Erections - Get Harder, Last Longer and Enjoy More Intense Orgasms Naturally!
While we are writing this article from a male perspective, these herbs also work for women and if both partners take them, you could be enjoying mind blowing sex! If you want to get hard and stay harder for longer, you must secrete lots of nitric oxide which is the key to any erection, if you don't get enough nitric oxide no erection can occur.
The reason nitric oxide is so vital is simple - it dilates and widens the blood vessels which lead into the penis so it can take more blood in and harden.
You can top levels up with Ginseng, Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium and these herbs as a combination, will also stop PDE5 accumulating which is a common cause of a weak erection or impotence.
You need to ensure there is plenty of blood in the pelvic region for when nitric oxide secretion begins and to ensure there is you should take Ginkgo Biloba which is seen as the best herb to keep blood flowing during arousal and in addition, it keeps the blood vessels healthy at the same time.
Testosterone, is needed for sex drive and stamina and low levels can cause chronic fatigue which leaves you unable to focus on sex.
To get levels up quickly, the best testosterone boosting herb is Tribulus and its the favourite herb taken by body-builders and athletes for this reason.
In addition, the unique blend of nutrients the herb contains, leads to increased sexual desire and more intense orgasms and it's seen as an essential herb for better sexual health.
Get them ALL in the Best Herbal Sex Pills The herbs we have just looked at, can be found with others in the best men's herbal sex pills; these natural pills will improve your performance in bed and your overall level of health at the same time which is good news for all men.