Tips on Using Acrylic Paints
- When choosing colors for your acrylic paint palette, be sure to buy the primary colors blue, red, and yellow. The most versatile primary shades in acrylic paints are cadmium red medium, cadmium yellow medium and Phthalo blue. Mix these basic colors with other colors to create a variety of shades. Before you start mixing, make sure you have the basic colors: mars black and mixing white. Mars black is a rather dark opaque color and should be used in small quantities. For those colors you use the most, consider buying the shades you want rather than mixing them. You may not always get your preferred shade when mixing and it is often time-consuming. Dark purple is a good example of a difficult shade to mix that's worth buying as a tube.
- Before you use your acrylic paints, you'll need to prime your canvas with gesso first. Gesso is a white or black coating that helps protect the canvas from damage caused by paint and also provides a textured surface that helps the paint adhere to the canvas. With a wide brush, paint the gesso in parallel lines from the top of your canvas to the bottom. Some artists prefer to use several coats of gesso for a smoother surface. If you choose to layer your gesso, be sure to dilute it first with a mixture of half water and half acrylic gloss medium. For a smoother surface, try sanding down each coat before applying the next. Gesso doesn't come out of paint brushes easily, so wash your brush immediately.
- For special textures and effects, many artists like to mix their acrylic paints with a variety of additives and mediums. Art supply manufacturers frequently introduce new varieties, so you'll never get bored. Flow enhancer is a popular additive. As the name suggests, it's a clear liquid that you can use to increase the flow of your acrylic paint. Use it on large work areas. Use impasto gel medium to add a buttery texture to your paint and to increase its bulk for use in large quantities. For a metallic shimmer, use interference medium. As you experiment with additives and mediums, you'll gain confidence.
Choosing Colors
Canvas Preparation
Mixing Paints