Is a Girl Playing You? How to Stop Being a Loser That Girls Hate
In the end, men cannot help but to feel getting 'played' because they simply are unable to know what the women really think and feel.
It is therefore very important to know if a woman's intention is genuine or if she is just playing you.
Otherwise you will just be setting yourself up for heartbreak.
Read on to discover the three signs that a girl shows if she is just playing you...
Three Signals If A Woman Is Playing You Signal Number One - She Doesn't Pay 100% Attention When She Talks To You.
If she seems to be distracted when talking to you, it's a sure sign that she is disinterested.
Come on - if she does not pay full attention to you, she's just disrespectful - plain and simple.
Signal Number Two - She's Caring Only When She Wants You To Do Something For Her.
This is by far the biggest signal that she is only playing you.
Sure, you might want to believe that she really likes you, but the awful truth is that she is caring only because she wants something from you.
Don't fall for this trick.
Signal Number Three - She Ignores You And Plays Hard To Get.
If she is playing hard to get - most of the time it's just lack of interest.
Be real.
what if she only wants to play you.
The answer is simple - just play her back.
To 'retaliate' - hypnotize her into falling in love with you.