How Do I Get My Husband to Fall Back in Love With Me? - The Quickest Way Back Into His Heart
It can make you feel empty, hurt, and physically sick all at the same time.
But don't worry, there is a way to win back the love of your husband...
and it may be easier than you think.
The natural human response to being rejected is to beg for him back.
This is what you absolutely must NOT do.
This will only push him further away and make you seem weak and needy in his eyes.
You should actually do the opposite of this.
Give him some space.
Tell him that you believe that you two need some time apart from each other to think about things and get your head on straight.
Be strong and confident while telling him this and make sure that you follow through with it.
During this break, do not contact him at all.
This will give him time to miss you and to see what life is like without you around.
He will also become curious as to what you have been doing and why you haven't been calling.
If he tries to contact you, make sure you keep it short and make yourself seem busy.
Make it look like the separation between you two does not even bother you! (this will really get his head spinning) You should also use this time to make some improvements to yourself both mentally and physically.
Join a gym and start eating healthier.
Get a new hair-do.
Buy some new clothes.
Start hanging out with friends more.
Get more of a social life.
Find a new hobby.
Stay busy! These things will make you much more attractive in his eyes.
He will no longer see you as needy and clingy, but as a strong, independent woman who can take care of herself.
It won't be long before he realizes that he had better get you back quickly before its too late!