What"s on His Mind? - Three Ways to Get Your Man to Reveal His True Feelings
The question 'what ya thinking?' seems to be on most women's lips at some point.
They see the guy stare off into space and they have to know where his head is.
Chances are it's nowhere that would interest you.
He's probably mulling over the defeat of his favorite baseball team, the indigestion he felt after his beer and wings or how he's going to fix the dent in his car.
Think before you ask.
If you're in the habit of just asking for the sake of asking, he might be growing tired of the same old, same old.
Like it or not, he'll feel you're nagging him for nothing.
If you really think something more substantial is going on, don't badger him.
It might be that he needs some time to think it over before speaking it out loud.
However, you might want to consider how you've treated him in the past when he's opened up to you.
Many woman are quick to go on the attack when their guy complains or points out something they don't like, particularly if it's regarding her.
They deny it.
They refute it.
They don't even want to hear it.
And if he's had bad news to announce to her and she went wild, do you think he's going to come running to her the next time something goes wrong? Not likely.
If his every confession turns into an argument, it's understandable that he'll be reticent to open up to you.
Show him that you can be receptive and understanding.
When he knows that he can talk to you about virtually anything and you'll be there for him, he'll be quicker to tell you what's on his mind.