Homemade Dandelion Spray
- Avoid mowing your lawn for two days before applying homemade dandelion spray. The more surface area on the dandelions, the more weedkiller will absorb into the plant. Water your lawn for a couple of days before spraying to encourage vigorous growth. The sooner you get to a young dandelion plant, the more effective the spray. Mature dandelion plants may take several applications of homemade spray.
- Mix 1 lb. of salt with 5 gallons of 5 percent acidic vinegar, as recommended by John Cretti from the National Gardening Association. Table salt is suitable for the mixture. Pour the dandelion spray into a 2-gallon pressure tank sprayer. When handling your homemade dandelion spray, wear a mask and long plastic gloves. Though these ingredients can be found in the home , they may burn sensitive skin. Mix the spray outdoors or in a ventilated room.
- Plan to apply the spray when you have a 48-hour window of rain-free weather. Turn off your irrigation system for two days to prevent washing off the spray or rehydrating the dandelions. The dandelion spray works by dehydrating the plant. Apply the spray on your dandelion plants, being careful to avoid surrounding plants. You can place a piece of plastic over grass or landscaping plants when applying the spray. Refrain from spraying on dandelions growing on top of tree roots.
- This homemade dandelion spray recipe acts as a temporary soil sterilant, according to Cretti. Don't spray if you plan to plant any type of seeds in the area, unless you wait a few weeks. One application may not kill off the dandelion plant; you may have to reapply the spray in a few days. Monitor the yard for the rest of the growing season for dandelions. Store the spray in a safe, dry area.
Homemade Mixture
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