Program Yourself To Strengthen Your Motivation Muscles
A good, positive attitude isn't really a muscle, but it does need a good workout just like a muscle.
If you don't stay active and keep your muscles supple and strong, they begin to let you down.
The same goes with motivation and attitude.
If you don't give it a good daily workout, it will soon let you down, literally as well as metaphorically.
Here's a fun list of things that can keep you motivated and some ways to boost their effects.
Dream vacation Thinking of a dream vacation can help keep you motivated to get your work done.
It can also improve your productivity.
Let's say your dream vacation is on a tropical island.
How can keep that thought in your mind? Well, you can have a bit of fun.
Get a poster board and gather some pictures of a tropical paradise.
You can place them randomly on the board or you can get creative.
Put the poster on a prominent wall in your office or home office so you'll see it.
You can also go to YouTube or an online radio station and listen to music that is synonymous with that area and culture.
Or you can listen to Jamaican music which is very popular theme music for island destinations.
Home business Are you still working a job outside of the home but want to build a home business so you can spend more time with your family? Using the poster board idea above is great way to keep you inspired.
Simply add pictures of your family, preferably some pictures of vacation or play time that everyone enjoyed and create a family vision board.
This will keep you motivated on the nights you're too tired to work on your home business after work.
It will remind you of why you want to quit your "day job" and earn a good living working from home.
Not to mention, the extra money you earn while you still have that day job can help you enjoy more family outings on the weekend.
Getting in shape If getting in shape is your goal and you find it hard to keep yourself motivated, simply create a vision board of people who are in shape.
You may not want to post the super fit on your board, but you can find pictures of people who are in good shape and let them inspire you.
You can also listen to workout videos.
Maybe you're not in the shape to get up and bounce around with them, but the upbeat sounds of other people working out can be very inspiring.
Listen to this while you do your own thing.
If you have a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike, you can listen to the aerobics or dance tapes in the background.
Increase productivity If you strive to be more productive but find yourself lacking enthusiasm, simply listen to some of your favorite motivational speakers.
Do this before you start work so the message will stick with you while you're working on projects.
If you feel yourself losing your motivation in an hour or two, simply take a break and listen to something else motivating.
No matter what goal you're trying to reach, you have to find things that will keep you motivated.
Staying motivated every day does take some effort and sometimes you have to trick yourself into it.
Don't worry, even your best motivational experts have to keep themselves upbeat.
They do this with inspiring music or they listen to their favorite speaker.
Find ways that work for you.
It doesn't hurt to mix a few of them together either.
Like the vision boards and listen to music while you look at them.
Whatever it takes and whatever works for you, do it.
If you don't stay active and keep your muscles supple and strong, they begin to let you down.
The same goes with motivation and attitude.
If you don't give it a good daily workout, it will soon let you down, literally as well as metaphorically.
Here's a fun list of things that can keep you motivated and some ways to boost their effects.
Dream vacation Thinking of a dream vacation can help keep you motivated to get your work done.
It can also improve your productivity.
Let's say your dream vacation is on a tropical island.
How can keep that thought in your mind? Well, you can have a bit of fun.
Get a poster board and gather some pictures of a tropical paradise.
You can place them randomly on the board or you can get creative.
Put the poster on a prominent wall in your office or home office so you'll see it.
You can also go to YouTube or an online radio station and listen to music that is synonymous with that area and culture.
Or you can listen to Jamaican music which is very popular theme music for island destinations.
Home business Are you still working a job outside of the home but want to build a home business so you can spend more time with your family? Using the poster board idea above is great way to keep you inspired.
Simply add pictures of your family, preferably some pictures of vacation or play time that everyone enjoyed and create a family vision board.
This will keep you motivated on the nights you're too tired to work on your home business after work.
It will remind you of why you want to quit your "day job" and earn a good living working from home.
Not to mention, the extra money you earn while you still have that day job can help you enjoy more family outings on the weekend.
Getting in shape If getting in shape is your goal and you find it hard to keep yourself motivated, simply create a vision board of people who are in shape.
You may not want to post the super fit on your board, but you can find pictures of people who are in good shape and let them inspire you.
You can also listen to workout videos.
Maybe you're not in the shape to get up and bounce around with them, but the upbeat sounds of other people working out can be very inspiring.
Listen to this while you do your own thing.
If you have a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike, you can listen to the aerobics or dance tapes in the background.
Increase productivity If you strive to be more productive but find yourself lacking enthusiasm, simply listen to some of your favorite motivational speakers.
Do this before you start work so the message will stick with you while you're working on projects.
If you feel yourself losing your motivation in an hour or two, simply take a break and listen to something else motivating.
No matter what goal you're trying to reach, you have to find things that will keep you motivated.
Staying motivated every day does take some effort and sometimes you have to trick yourself into it.
Don't worry, even your best motivational experts have to keep themselves upbeat.
They do this with inspiring music or they listen to their favorite speaker.
Find ways that work for you.
It doesn't hurt to mix a few of them together either.
Like the vision boards and listen to music while you look at them.
Whatever it takes and whatever works for you, do it.