Spiritual Expansion - A Journey of Self-Acceptance
All that you are is a result of what is now behind you. Yes, you have heard and read these words many, many times before. Have you been able to discern exactly how to accept who you are?
This is an issue that many attempt to resolve within themselves. My intention is to share with you my understanding of how to reconcile what no longer is and being able to assimilate your physical energy with your Spiritual energy.
Self-Acceptance is part of the journey. It is a large part of being able to discover and then being able move forward towards fulfilling your Life's Purpose. If you are not able to truly accept you as you are it will indeed be a challenge to face all that is before you.
It would of course be much easier to simply stay where you are. What does this mean, stay where you are? It means exactly what the words and the energy imply. There are several choices, go backwards, stay where you are or move forward.
Staying where you are is surrendering all you desire to accomplish, to heal and giving-up on figuring out your sense of worth and ultimately fulfilling your Life's Purpose.
So how do you accept you? How do you reconcile the gap between where you have been and where you want to go? It is simple, yet it is not always easy. It requires Soul searching, releasing excuses, releasing pain and sorrow. It requires you to reach through and beyond everything you have ever known. It requires that you not listen to ego chatter which only seeks to dis-empower you.
Self-acceptance requires you to absolute let go of everything you have come to know and accepted as truth along the way. Surrender, total surrender is placing all faith, trust and knowing you are Divinely supported in all ways. It requires healing. It requires you to take action.
Responsibility for where you are and where you are not rests solely with you. If you are not able to trust that all is unfolding for you in ways beyond your knowing, to include your Soul Mate relationship, health and finances then you will have a much more difficult path to travel.
The key to self-acceptance is truly allowing you to fall into the hands of Spirit knowing you will be caught. Trust is a key ingredient to accept you are on the path for which you were intended, the path of discovering and fulfilling your Life's Purpose.
It is about releasing fear, emotions and thoughts having anything to do with negativity or lack. It is about being responsible for success, for being a conduit of healing, a channel for the Divine to flow into, through and within in you. It is about being comfortable with being uncomfortable. It is about allowing your Divinity to radiate from within you regardless of what others may think, say or do.
Do not allow someone else's negativity, disapproval or their self-limiting thoughts of lack dictate how you travel your path. Your path is yours, it is unique to you. You are unlike any other Human in this realm and yet you are the same. You are light. You are love. You are One with Source.
In truth you are whole, complete and perfect. In truth there is no separation from Spirit. In truth you are priceless. In truth you light reflected from Divine Source. In truth you are all these things and more than words are able to adequately express.
This is an issue that many attempt to resolve within themselves. My intention is to share with you my understanding of how to reconcile what no longer is and being able to assimilate your physical energy with your Spiritual energy.
Self-Acceptance is part of the journey. It is a large part of being able to discover and then being able move forward towards fulfilling your Life's Purpose. If you are not able to truly accept you as you are it will indeed be a challenge to face all that is before you.
It would of course be much easier to simply stay where you are. What does this mean, stay where you are? It means exactly what the words and the energy imply. There are several choices, go backwards, stay where you are or move forward.
Staying where you are is surrendering all you desire to accomplish, to heal and giving-up on figuring out your sense of worth and ultimately fulfilling your Life's Purpose.
So how do you accept you? How do you reconcile the gap between where you have been and where you want to go? It is simple, yet it is not always easy. It requires Soul searching, releasing excuses, releasing pain and sorrow. It requires you to reach through and beyond everything you have ever known. It requires that you not listen to ego chatter which only seeks to dis-empower you.
Self-acceptance requires you to absolute let go of everything you have come to know and accepted as truth along the way. Surrender, total surrender is placing all faith, trust and knowing you are Divinely supported in all ways. It requires healing. It requires you to take action.
Responsibility for where you are and where you are not rests solely with you. If you are not able to trust that all is unfolding for you in ways beyond your knowing, to include your Soul Mate relationship, health and finances then you will have a much more difficult path to travel.
The key to self-acceptance is truly allowing you to fall into the hands of Spirit knowing you will be caught. Trust is a key ingredient to accept you are on the path for which you were intended, the path of discovering and fulfilling your Life's Purpose.
It is about releasing fear, emotions and thoughts having anything to do with negativity or lack. It is about being responsible for success, for being a conduit of healing, a channel for the Divine to flow into, through and within in you. It is about being comfortable with being uncomfortable. It is about allowing your Divinity to radiate from within you regardless of what others may think, say or do.
Do not allow someone else's negativity, disapproval or their self-limiting thoughts of lack dictate how you travel your path. Your path is yours, it is unique to you. You are unlike any other Human in this realm and yet you are the same. You are light. You are love. You are One with Source.
In truth you are whole, complete and perfect. In truth there is no separation from Spirit. In truth you are priceless. In truth you light reflected from Divine Source. In truth you are all these things and more than words are able to adequately express.