Mississippian Civilization Bibliography
This bibliography is a part of the About.com Guide to Mississippian Period, including books and articles published after 2000.
Ambrose, Stanley H., Jane Buikstra, and Harold W. Krueger 2003 Status and gender differences in diet at Mound 72, Cahokia, revealed by isotopic analysis of bone. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 22(3):217-226.
Baden, William M. and Christopher S. Beekman 2001 Culture and Agriculture: A Comment on Sissel Schroeder, Maize Productivity in the Eastern Woodlands and Great Plains of North America.
American Antiquity 66(3):505-516.
Barker, Alex W., et al. 2002 Mesoamerican origin for an obsidian scraper from the precolumbian southeastern United States. American Antiquity 67(1):103-108.
Beck Jr., Robin A., Douglas J. Bolender, James A. Brown, and Timothy K. Earle 2007 Eventful archaeology: The Place of Space in Structural Transformation. Current Anthropology 48(6):833-860.
Beck, Robin A.Jr. 2003 Consolidation and Hierarchy: Chiefdom Variability in the Mississippian Southeast . American Antiquity 68(4)
Blitz J. 2010. New Perspectives in Mississippian Archaeology.Journal of Archaeological Research 18(1):1-39.
Blitz, John H. and Patrick Livingood 2004 Sociopolitical Implications of Mississippian Mound Volume. American Antiquity 69(2):291-303.
Cobb, Charles R. and Brian M. Butler 2002 The vacant quarter revisited: Late Mississippian abandonment of the lower Ohio valley. American Antiquity 67(4):625-642.
Collins, James M., Linda Forman, E. A. Bettis III, and Alton K. Fisher 2005 Selective ritual and sepulchral recycling at the Rock Creek Mounds, Clayton County, Iowa.
Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 52(2):21-73.
Cook, Robert A. 2007 Single Component Sites with Long Sequences of Radiocarbon Dates: The Sunwatch Site and Middle Fort Ancient Village Growth. American Antiquity 72(3):439-460.
Diaz-Granados, Carol, et al. 2001 AMS Radiocarbon Dates for Charcoal from Three Missouri Pictographs and their Associated Iconography. American Antiquity 66(3):481-492.
Emerson, Thomas E. and Randall E. Hughes 2001 De-Mything the Cahokia Catlinite Trade. Plains Anthropologist 46(176):149-162.
Emerson, Thomas E., Randall E. Hughes, Mary R. Hynes, and Sarah U. Wisseman 2003 The Sourcing and Interpretation of Cahokia-Style Figurines in the Trans-Mississippi South and Southeast. American Antiquity 68(2):287-313.
Jackson, H. E. and Suan L. Scott 2003 Patterns of Elite Faunal Utilization at Moundville, Alabama. American Antiquity 68(3)
Kidder, Tristram R. 2004 Plazas as architecture: An example from the Raffman site, Northeast Louisiana. American Antiquity 69(3):514-532.
King, Adam 2003 Over a century of explorations at Etowah. Journal of Archaeological Research 11(3):279-306.
Knight, Vernon J. Jr. 2004 Characterizing Elite Midden Deposits at Moundville . American Antiquity 69(2):304-321.
Maxham, Mintcy 2000 Rural communities in the Black Warrior valley, Alabama: The role of commoners in the creation of the Moundville I landscape. American Antiquity 65(2):337-354.
Munson, Cheryl A. and Della C. Cook 2001 Residential mortuary practices and skeletal biology at the Late Mississippian Hovey Lake Ste, Posey County, Indiana. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 26(1):1-52.
Pauketat, Timothy R. 2003 Resettled Farmers and the Making of a Mississippian Polity. American Antiquity 68(1):39-66.
Pauketat, Timothy R., et al. 2002 The Residues of Feasting and Public Ritual at Early Cahokia. American Antiquity 67(2):257-280.
Price, T. D., James H. Burton, and James B. Stoltman 2007 Place of Origin of Prehistoric Inhabitants of Aztalan, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin. American Antiquity 72(3):524-538.
Roper, Donna C. 2002 The Marion Great Bend Aspect sits: Floodplain settlement on the Plains. Plains Anthropologist 46(179)
Rose, Fionnuala 2008 Intra-Community Variation in Diet during the Adoption of a New Staple Crop in the Eastern Woodlands. American Antiquity 73 (3):413-440.
Saunders, Joe W., et al. 2005 Watson Brake, a Middle Archaic Mound Complex in Northeast Louisiana. American Antiquity 70(4):631-668.
Schambach, Frank F. 2000 Spiroan traders, the Sanders site, and the Plains Interaction Sphere: A reply to Bursseth, Wilson, and Perttula. Plains Anthropologist 45(171):7-33.
Schroeder, Sissel 2004 Current research on late precontact societies of the midcontinental United States. Journal of Archaeological Research 12(4):311-372.
Schroeder, Sissel 2001 Understanding Variation in Prehistoric Agricultural Productivity: The Importance of Distinguishing among Potential, Available, and Consumptive Yields. American Antiquity 66(3):517-525.
Simon, Mary L. 2002 Red cedar, white oak, and bluestem grass: The colors of Mississippian construction. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 27(2):274-308.
Stoltman, James B., Danielle M. Benden, Robert F. Boszhardt, and Abstract 2008 New Evidence in the Upper Mississippi Valley for Premississippian Cultural Interaction with the American Bottom. American Antiquity 73 (2):317-336.
Theler, James L. and Robert F. Boszhardt 2006 Collapse of crucial resources and culture change: a model for the Woodland to Oneota transformation in the Upper Midwest. American Antiquity 71:433-472.
Thomas, Larissa A.2000 Images of women in Native American iconography. Pp. 321-357 in Interpretations of Native North American Life, M.S. Nassaney and E.S. Johnson, editors. University of Florida Press: Gainesville.
Trubitt, Mary B. 2006 Crafting marine shell prestige goods at Cahokia. North American Archaeologist 26(3):249-266.
Trubitt, Mary B. D. 2000 Mound Building and Prestige Goods Exchange: Changing Strategies in the Cahokia Chiefdom. American Antiquity 65(4):669-690.
Vermilion, Mary R., Mark P. S. Krekeler, and Lawrence H. Keeley 2003 Pigment identification on two Moorehead phase Ramey knives from the Loyd site, a prehistoric Mississippian homestead. Journal of Archaeological Science 30:1459-1467.
Yerkes, Richard W. 2005 Bone Chemistry, Body Parts, and Growth Marks: Evaluating Ohio Hopewell and Cahokia Mississippian Seasonality, Subsistence, Ritual, and Feasting. American Antiquity 70(1):241-266.