How Does Smoking Affect Your Appearance?
- In old, black and white movies, it is common to see the main character smoking a big cigar or a long slim cigarette. These characters are sexy, glamorous, rich and smart. Their skin is clear and teeth are white. It seems like their tobacco habit makes them more attractive. However, this depiction is only a Hollywood illusion. In reality, smoking can erode away a person's looks, especially at the mouth.
- The inhalation of tobacco causes havoc in the mouth of a smoker. Tobacco contains catatonic substances that destroy the cells and tissue of the human body. Nicotine restricts blood vessels and sugar causes tooth decay. All together, the substances within tobacco erode away the mouth over time as an individual regularly smokes. This erosion translates into a variety of conditions.
- The best way to describe a long-term smoker's mouth is that it looks like a yellow, rotting pit. Smoking causes bad breath, teeth stains, calculus, increased risk for cavities, cracked and bleeding lips, bone loss, mouth sores, shrinking gums, hairy tongue, leukoplakia and cancer. Normally, all of these conditions develop over time. It can be likened to a snowball effect. With every toke, tobacco gradually wears away a smoker's mouth until the individual needs medical intervention.
- With today's technology, smokers can tend to a majority of the effects of smoking. From chewing gum to teeth whiteners and radiation, smokers can battle back. However, the journey is usually long, complicated and very expensive. As a result, the best path for a smoker to take is one that leads to the end of his or her tobacco habit. In other words, a smoker must quit smoking.
- Although it is difficult, quitting smoking is the best path for any smoker. Enough evidence has been gathered to prove that smoking is linked to a variety of negative effects that hurt the human body. Of course, the major one is death. As a result, it is imperative for any smoker to consider seeking help with breaking his tobacco habit. It's the best way to promote one's health and put forth the best face to the world.