Shocking News - You Are Leaving a Lot of Money on the Table
You might be wondering what a blog is.
A blog or weblog is a place where you voice your thoughts.
Are you wondering what's in it for you? My friend, I am about to reveal to you how I am making tons of money using the same techniques I am talking about here.
Okay, so that I got your attention, lets move on shall we? I will only be revealing one technique I am using to make money in this articles.
Follow these steps: Step 1: Decide on what you want to blog about.
For eg: Suppose you are passionate about reading books like me.
You love books.
You are always waiting to pick up that book and read.
So, why not turn your hobby into a money making cash generating machine? You can make a blog on 1) Fiction books or books on money 2) Blog about all books written by your favorite author Step 2: Get a Blog Here is how.
Use blogger.
com or wordpress.
These are free to use and easy to setup.
Sign up for a FREE account.
Congratulations! You figured out what you like.
You also have a blog.
Step 3: Now lets start posting on our blog.
But what do you write? Let me give you one idea.
Suppose your blog is about "how to make jewelery at home".
Search the internet for articles on how to make jewelery at home and make money.
Write a review of what you have read.
Identify potential problems people have who are making jewelery at home.
Write about these with potential solutions.
Say you were reviewing a book then these might be some steps to take: 1) Choose one book you loved.
2) Talk about all the things you liked about it.
3) Talk about all the things you didn't like about it.
4) Would you recommend it? 5) Does it work? 6) Did you use any of the techniques in the book? 7) Did they work? 8) Recommend it if you like it.
9) Place a link to the book on your website from amazon.
Well, wasn't that simple? It is simple, fun and you will totally love it.
A blog or weblog is a place where you voice your thoughts.
Are you wondering what's in it for you? My friend, I am about to reveal to you how I am making tons of money using the same techniques I am talking about here.
Okay, so that I got your attention, lets move on shall we? I will only be revealing one technique I am using to make money in this articles.
Follow these steps: Step 1: Decide on what you want to blog about.
For eg: Suppose you are passionate about reading books like me.
You love books.
You are always waiting to pick up that book and read.
So, why not turn your hobby into a money making cash generating machine? You can make a blog on 1) Fiction books or books on money 2) Blog about all books written by your favorite author Step 2: Get a Blog Here is how.
Use blogger.
com or wordpress.
These are free to use and easy to setup.
Sign up for a FREE account.
Congratulations! You figured out what you like.
You also have a blog.
Step 3: Now lets start posting on our blog.
But what do you write? Let me give you one idea.
Suppose your blog is about "how to make jewelery at home".
Search the internet for articles on how to make jewelery at home and make money.
Write a review of what you have read.
Identify potential problems people have who are making jewelery at home.
Write about these with potential solutions.
Say you were reviewing a book then these might be some steps to take: 1) Choose one book you loved.
2) Talk about all the things you liked about it.
3) Talk about all the things you didn't like about it.
4) Would you recommend it? 5) Does it work? 6) Did you use any of the techniques in the book? 7) Did they work? 8) Recommend it if you like it.
9) Place a link to the book on your website from amazon.
Well, wasn't that simple? It is simple, fun and you will totally love it.