How to be the woman of his dreams: 3 tips
So you've managed to snag the boy of your dreams. He could be the boy next door, happy valentines daythe quarterback, the intellectual or the starving artist type, it doesn't matter. There are things that guys like that are universal.
Being in a relationship is like having a business partnership. You get less value for what you put in, (or if he gets less value than his efforts?) bad deal. If you get the exact amount of compensation from your efforts, it's just fair. But what really wins him over, like a business partner, is the token of appreciation. These €incentives€ are the little things that are usually not required, but is still nice to receive every once in a while.
You may be a queen, or a down-to-earth diva, it doesn't even matter. What matters in a good partnership is the solidarity of the team, having the knowledge that your partner's goals are in alignment with yours means that every time you put in that extra bit of effort, you can expect a healthy and long-lasting investment coming your way.
Men like being nurtured. This much is true. Men will be, at least once in their lives, a leader of something. As good as that sounds on paper, that means that, even for once in a man's life, he will become a man among his peers " and lead them. That's the way their fathers would raise them, and during those years, it is their mothers or their lovers that will give them the comfort and strength to be able to handle that burden. Cook him a meal (optional: drop by his office/school unannounced to bring lunch over), pick out some nice threads for him when you're out shopping or send him an IM or a text to remind him how much you love him, or miss him. This would make him feel that you're there to support his needs, and that you're always looking out for his best interest.
Men like to dominate, and be dominated, depending on €¦ nothing, really. Men are beautifully complicated creatures. They have arrogance streaks, as well as just €bad days.€ (And they call women fickle. What's up with that?) If you are the queen to his king, it won't hurt to put away the crown a bit to follow his whims every so often. If you're the down-to-earth type, however, nothing would turn a man on than showing him your strong feminine side. This shouldn't be confused to being a strict dominatrix or subservient wench, but the sexy interchange of the two. This'd be something he wouldn't see coming, and having a partner who knows when to be which is something a man can truly appreciate.
Men and €manlove.€However long he's pined for you, be it months or years, you have to accept that he will have cultivated a special brotherhood with his guy friends. If he says that €he'll be out with the boys,€ you have to be secure enough with yourself that he's not doing it to get away from you, it's more of him getting to hang around with his friends. Admitted, us girls have this tendency to drive a wedge between him and his friends, so allowing him to have that will be a big deal. It's no fun being the €nagging mom€ who denies the kid from €coming out to play,€ so being cool with guys being guys is something that he'll be cool with. Besides, if they're supposed to be his friends, then you will have probably have met them already. You and his friends are on the same team, looking out for your favorite man.
Being in a relationship is like having a business partnership. You get less value for what you put in, (or if he gets less value than his efforts?) bad deal. If you get the exact amount of compensation from your efforts, it's just fair. But what really wins him over, like a business partner, is the token of appreciation. These €incentives€ are the little things that are usually not required, but is still nice to receive every once in a while.
You may be a queen, or a down-to-earth diva, it doesn't even matter. What matters in a good partnership is the solidarity of the team, having the knowledge that your partner's goals are in alignment with yours means that every time you put in that extra bit of effort, you can expect a healthy and long-lasting investment coming your way.
Men like being nurtured. This much is true. Men will be, at least once in their lives, a leader of something. As good as that sounds on paper, that means that, even for once in a man's life, he will become a man among his peers " and lead them. That's the way their fathers would raise them, and during those years, it is their mothers or their lovers that will give them the comfort and strength to be able to handle that burden. Cook him a meal (optional: drop by his office/school unannounced to bring lunch over), pick out some nice threads for him when you're out shopping or send him an IM or a text to remind him how much you love him, or miss him. This would make him feel that you're there to support his needs, and that you're always looking out for his best interest.
Men like to dominate, and be dominated, depending on €¦ nothing, really. Men are beautifully complicated creatures. They have arrogance streaks, as well as just €bad days.€ (And they call women fickle. What's up with that?) If you are the queen to his king, it won't hurt to put away the crown a bit to follow his whims every so often. If you're the down-to-earth type, however, nothing would turn a man on than showing him your strong feminine side. This shouldn't be confused to being a strict dominatrix or subservient wench, but the sexy interchange of the two. This'd be something he wouldn't see coming, and having a partner who knows when to be which is something a man can truly appreciate.
Men and €manlove.€However long he's pined for you, be it months or years, you have to accept that he will have cultivated a special brotherhood with his guy friends. If he says that €he'll be out with the boys,€ you have to be secure enough with yourself that he's not doing it to get away from you, it's more of him getting to hang around with his friends. Admitted, us girls have this tendency to drive a wedge between him and his friends, so allowing him to have that will be a big deal. It's no fun being the €nagging mom€ who denies the kid from €coming out to play,€ so being cool with guys being guys is something that he'll be cool with. Besides, if they're supposed to be his friends, then you will have probably have met them already. You and his friends are on the same team, looking out for your favorite man.