The Important Signs of a Great Relationship
Having a mutual respect for each other is the foundation of relationships that can endure the peaks and valleys.
You can't love someone you don't respect have for.
Even if one of you does not have the respect then the relationship has no chance of long term.
As with the lack of respect from either one will result in putdowns, cheating and being dishonest which are sure ways to sink a relationship.
Long Term Relationship Indicator #2: Both of you feel the freedom to be yourself.
By this we mean that you can be the person that you truly are, not having the feeling that you need to put a false persona on to impress them.
It is so important to be the real you and be genuine in your relationship.
Long Term Relationship Indicator #3: The Attitude Is "Your Partners Best Interest First.
" Putting your partners best interest is the key to any successful partnership.
If you start to notice that your partner is starting to show little regard for how you feel or your opinions and is constantly taking a me first attitude then you are probably in a relationship with a selfish partner.
The best relationships are those who are generous with their time, money and the praise and attention they give each other.
Long Term Relationship Indicator #4: The Trust You Both Have for Each Other is Developed and Protected.
There is no substitute to love and trust of each other, when the trust you have for each other is broken the love will be damaged.
People that have trustworthy relationships know the importance of give and take.
Long Term Relationship Indicator #5: Able to Laugh and Enjoy the Time Spent Together.
Couples with healthy relationships laugh on a regular basis, find reasons to celebrate their time together and enjoy spontaneous events.
The long lasting loving relationships are simply two people who just enjoy being together no matter what.
Good Luck and Happy Online Dating for all the singles personals out there!