How to Put Together a Photo Book
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Photos capture the emotion of the moment.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Select photos from a specific family function, event or vacation to fill your photo book. It is important to gather clear photos that best represent the event and the experiences captured. Ask friends and family to donate pictures to the project so they can be enjoyed and shared with everyone. - 2
Candid photos can help express the true atmosphere of that moment in time.Thomas Northcut/Lifesize/Getty Images
Place photos together temporarily in the book to see how they look together. Take time to organize and arrange the photos in the book in chronological order or in the way that best expresses the events of the day. Photos can even be grouped together by relationships or other family relations. Keep in mind to be creative and have fun with the project. - 3
Be creative and put your personal style into the book.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Use scissors to trim and crop the photos for the photo book. Often, photos are too large or encompass background images that distract from the main image of the photo and need to be altered. Place the photos off center or askew on the pages of the book to give it a fun and whimsical feel. - 4
Photo books can make wonderful gifts or momentos.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Place pre-typed or handwritten captions with the photos to help explain the moments captured in time. Using captions will help capture memories for generations to come and help you return to a time of enjoyment. Listing specific dates and times can be important for others to have a better memory of that event. - 5
Photo books can bring individuals together to share a memory.Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images
Label the photo book to make it easily accessible. By labeling the book, you are identifying it by specific event or date so that you can add to it in the future or show it off to others. Being organized will make it easier for yourself and others to enjoy the photo books you have created.
How to Put Together a Photobook