"3 Acne Day Free In" or Acne Free in 3 Days - Another Acne Myth?
Is it possible for 3 acne day free in? (Evidently jumbled- it should be 'acne free in 3 days').
During a keyword search for acne, the keyword "3 acne day free in" and acne free in 3 days crops up regularly.
At first one thought that this must be some mistake on the part of the search engines.
But then search with these keywords was quite revealing.
There were a number of web pages on the keyword'3 acne day free in', some with high sales pitch on the instant cure for acne! As a dermatologist with 25 years of experience in treating acne, it is really perplexing to see such misleading claims that could fool gullible teens.
The interesting fact is that such unethical and highly improbable claim is made on web pages bylay persons who have no medical background.
Their only qualification to prescribe the '3 acne day free in' cure is that they have suffered from acne, and have discovered a cure for acne which would make your '3 acne day free in' ! This also raises an interesting question: Should non-medical persons without any background of medical education be allowed to prescribe treatment on or off the web? Who will decide whether the patient is suffering from acne vulgaris or some other similar facial eruptions that mimic acne? And what is the guarantee that the prescribedtreatment will not adversely affect the patient? The only acne which could be cured in 3 days (3 acne day free in) is not acne! It could be a simple follicular infection on the beard, called sycosis barbae.
Or it could be an allergic reaction to some cosmetic application on the face.
Now the interesting fact: yes, these eruption which are not acne, can be cured in 3 days! But not the acne.
Control (not cure) of acne could take weeks or months, with chances of getting recurrences depending upon the patients' food habits, stress and hormonal status.
To conclude, acne free in 3 days or '3 acne day free in' is a myth.
During a keyword search for acne, the keyword "3 acne day free in" and acne free in 3 days crops up regularly.
At first one thought that this must be some mistake on the part of the search engines.
But then search with these keywords was quite revealing.
There were a number of web pages on the keyword'3 acne day free in', some with high sales pitch on the instant cure for acne! As a dermatologist with 25 years of experience in treating acne, it is really perplexing to see such misleading claims that could fool gullible teens.
The interesting fact is that such unethical and highly improbable claim is made on web pages bylay persons who have no medical background.
Their only qualification to prescribe the '3 acne day free in' cure is that they have suffered from acne, and have discovered a cure for acne which would make your '3 acne day free in' ! This also raises an interesting question: Should non-medical persons without any background of medical education be allowed to prescribe treatment on or off the web? Who will decide whether the patient is suffering from acne vulgaris or some other similar facial eruptions that mimic acne? And what is the guarantee that the prescribedtreatment will not adversely affect the patient? The only acne which could be cured in 3 days (3 acne day free in) is not acne! It could be a simple follicular infection on the beard, called sycosis barbae.
Or it could be an allergic reaction to some cosmetic application on the face.
Now the interesting fact: yes, these eruption which are not acne, can be cured in 3 days! But not the acne.
Control (not cure) of acne could take weeks or months, with chances of getting recurrences depending upon the patients' food habits, stress and hormonal status.
To conclude, acne free in 3 days or '3 acne day free in' is a myth.