5 Tips on How to Learn a Craft Fast
The trick on how to learn a craft fast is not rocket science, but it does take a bit of planning and thinking through.
There is no point rushing at something half-hearteadly.
The answer lies in careful preparation.
Get these steps right and you will be steaming through any craft you turn your hand to.
Choose the right level.
You need to choose a project that is on the right level for you.
That might mean something easy, so you feel you can complete it, something you are used to doing, so there is no great challenge, or something more complicated that you have not yet attempted.
Only you will know what is right for you.
But once you choose, give it your all.
Give it some time Whatever level you take on, give it the time it deserves.
If that means a regular time each day, or week, then build it in.
If you find you need more time to complete, then work out how you will do it.
No point begrudging the time it takes, because you, after all, chose it.
Get organised Once you have got the project, and allocated the time, plan your time well.
Be as organised as possible so that all your tools and materials are together in once place.
Make a note of where you stopped earlier, organise your space and generally get on top of things.
It means making the most of your time and your energy.
If there is conflict If you find yourself needing more time - give it.
If you find the instructions less than clear, decide if you will stick with it, or give it or give it up.
And give it up without any blame.
If the project is the wrong level, then be gracious in changing your mind next time.
Allow yourself the luxury of spending time on crafts, but decide to make the most of each block of time.
When it comes together Congratulate yourself on a job well done but also decide to move onto the next level as soon as possible.
You will always learn faster by making another project on the back of the first - because it is fresh in your mind.
And if you find that a set of instructions has been thorough in taking you through all the tasks, then look for others written in the same style.
Learning crafts can be painless when you choose carefully.
In my experience there is no-one who cannot learn crafts given the right set of circumstances.
Allow yourself time to select the right project, plan well, focus and be prepared to cut your losses if things are not working.
Disappointment will only hold you back.
You are as good as your next project.
So to learn a craft fast, apply these tips and the process will be as painless as possible.
There is no point rushing at something half-hearteadly.
The answer lies in careful preparation.
Get these steps right and you will be steaming through any craft you turn your hand to.
Choose the right level.
You need to choose a project that is on the right level for you.
That might mean something easy, so you feel you can complete it, something you are used to doing, so there is no great challenge, or something more complicated that you have not yet attempted.
Only you will know what is right for you.
But once you choose, give it your all.
Give it some time Whatever level you take on, give it the time it deserves.
If that means a regular time each day, or week, then build it in.
If you find you need more time to complete, then work out how you will do it.
No point begrudging the time it takes, because you, after all, chose it.
Get organised Once you have got the project, and allocated the time, plan your time well.
Be as organised as possible so that all your tools and materials are together in once place.
Make a note of where you stopped earlier, organise your space and generally get on top of things.
It means making the most of your time and your energy.
If there is conflict If you find yourself needing more time - give it.
If you find the instructions less than clear, decide if you will stick with it, or give it or give it up.
And give it up without any blame.
If the project is the wrong level, then be gracious in changing your mind next time.
Allow yourself the luxury of spending time on crafts, but decide to make the most of each block of time.
When it comes together Congratulate yourself on a job well done but also decide to move onto the next level as soon as possible.
You will always learn faster by making another project on the back of the first - because it is fresh in your mind.
And if you find that a set of instructions has been thorough in taking you through all the tasks, then look for others written in the same style.
Learning crafts can be painless when you choose carefully.
In my experience there is no-one who cannot learn crafts given the right set of circumstances.
Allow yourself time to select the right project, plan well, focus and be prepared to cut your losses if things are not working.
Disappointment will only hold you back.
You are as good as your next project.
So to learn a craft fast, apply these tips and the process will be as painless as possible.