How This Surprising Little Secret Can Get Your Boyfriend to Come Back to You
One of those times has to be when you and your boyfriend break up.
If you love him, a break up is definitely the very last thing you want.
In an instant, a once fulfilling and deeply connected relationship can come crashing down into a million pieces.
He's upset.
You're upset and getting back together feels impossible.
It's not.
You want the man back, right? So shouldn't you be prepared to roll up your sleeves and do a little hard work to make it happen? With the right attitude, some patience and knowledge of a surprising secret, your man will be back with you before you know it.
You really don't need magic to get your boyfriend to come back to you.
What you do need is a fierce attitude.
That can be a bit difficult to muster up when you feel as though your emotions are overrunning your common sense.
Right now you cry when you hear a song that reminds you of your guy.
You spend hours replaying what went wrong in your mind and you've worn the ears off your friends asking them what they think about the break up.
Today is the day all that changes.
Stand up and go look in the mirror.
The person you see looking back at you is the only person you need to focus on right now.
If you put all your energy into making yourself happy and spoiling yourself, that's going to impact how your boyfriend sees you.
Right now, he knows that you're sitting at home wishing he was yours.
You've probably made that abundantly clear to him with all the messages you've been sending him and all the voicemails you've left.
He has no reason to want you back because he sees you as a pathetic, overly emotional wreck who will wait forever for him.
Is that really how you want to be viewed by the man you adore? Here's your plan of action for the next two weeks.
You're going to forget about your ex boyfriend the best you can.
What this really means is that you need to give yourself a two week break from obsessing over the man.
That time is going to be put to better use.
Make a list of the things you know need improving about yourself.
One of them should be to have more confidence, to appreciate your strengths more and to take better care of yourself in every way.
Then dive headfirst into the list and get those things done.
At the end of those couple of weeks you'll feel refreshed, re-energized and best of all, you'll have a new attitude.
Since you'll have some emotional distance from the break up by then you'll feel more in control.
Now when your ex sees you he'll be blown away.
No longer will he see the lovesick girl he dumped.
Instead he'll see a confident woman who in control of her own future.
That will make him want you more than he ever has before.