How to Use a Universal Carboy Cap
- 1). Add the sanitizing solution to a bowl of warm water and place the universal carboy cap into the solution. Allow the cap to soak in full contact for at least 30 seconds and remove to a sanitized area to dry fully. Repeat process for any airlocks or airlock caps.
- 2). Follow all proper brewing instructions until you have your wort (unfermented beer) ready to be stored and in the carboy. Wipe down the rim of the carboy with sanitizer to remove any contaminants.
- 3). Place the universal carboy cap on the mouth of the carboy by fitting the cap opening around the lip one side at a time. Make sure the seal is tight and does not allow any free movement of the cap around the mouth of the carboy.
- 4). Prepare the airlock according to instructions and remove the small rubber covering from the middle nozzle of the universal carboy cap. Place the airlock firmly and slowly into the middle nozzle, creating a tight seal around the airlock so that it cannot rotate or wiggle freely inside the universal cap. Do not pull the airlock upwards as it may cause the solution in the airlock to spill into the beer.
- 1). Prepare racking and bottling equipment according to brewing instructions and carefully place the carboy full of beer in a sturdy, elevated position. Carefully remove the airlock from the middle nozzle of the carboy cap by slowly twisting and pulling it upward.
- 2). Place the sanitized racking cane into the middle nozzle of the carboy cap, suction end first, making sure that the cane reaches into the bottom layers of the beer. Make sure that the tip of the cane is equipped with a trub (beer sediment) guard or is an inch or two above the trub layer.
- 3). Attach the siphon to the racking cane and place the expulsion end of the siphon into the new container. Remove the rubber cap and blow hard into the side tube with your mouth to force the beer into the racking cane. Rack beer fully into the new container.
- 4). Remove the racking cane by slowly pulling up. Be careful at the end of the cane as it may pop out of the carboy cap. Remove the carboy cap by lifting one side of the lip and running your fingers around the mouth of the carboy until the cap pops off. Wash cap thoroughly and store in a clean, dry place for further use.
During Fermentation
Racking and Bottling