What REALLY Creates Attraction?
You're in the club, or bookstore, or coffee shop, and you see a cute girl.
She's given you some pretty good eye contact, and you're reasonably sure she wouldn't kick you in the nuts if you go over there and talk to her.
What do you do next? (Hint: Ordering another shot is NOT correct!) The first step is easy.
Think of some kind of ice breaker, or opener.
The simplest is usually the easiest.
You can say you noticed her, you're interested in her, and you wanted to meet her, and here you are.
Then you exchange names.
Now what? If you're like many guys out there, you start to figure out how you can "impress her.
" How you can "demonstrate high value," or show that you've got some kind of "social status.
" Maybe you've got a few stories memorized that show you're a successful, together guy that's got a lot going on.
Is this the best way to generate attraction? Think of what this means on a deep level.
If you're main strategy is to try and impress her with your "information" whatever that might be, the assumption is she is the chooser, and you are "throwing your hat in the ring," so to speak.
You are basically projecting the message that she's got all the power, and you hope that she chooses you over all the other guys that may or may not have talked to her in the past couple days.
Do you really want to do this? You are trying to create attraction but in a kind of roundabout way.
You are telling her stories about yourself, in hopes that those stories will create attraction.
Maybe they will, maybe they won't.
Is there a better strategy? Luckily, there is.
Instead of focusing on you and hoping she's impressed, focus on her.
Find out the things that she already likes, and already makes her feel those emotions that we'd all like to feel.
Ask her about her plans, her goals, her hobbies.
Anything that she would naturally feel good feelings when talking about.
And guess what? The more she feels those good feelings while she's talking to you, the more likely she'll start to associate those good feelings with you.
And that's what attraction is, in a nutshell.
She thinks about you, and automatically starts to feel good feelings.
To make it even easier, there's a set of language patterns that will make generating those good feelings in her much easier.
Giving you an edge that most guys don't even know exist.