How to Refinish With Linseed Oil
- 1). Sand off all of the existing finish using 80-grit sandpaper. Use a hand block to sand with the grain. When all of the previous finish is removed, put 100-grit sandpaper on the block and re-sand until the wood has its original bare wood color.
- 2). Put 180-grit sandpaper on the block and sand again until the wood has a silky, smooth feel to it without any fine wood fibers sticking up. Run a soft cloth over the wood. If it catches on wood fibers, sand it again.
- 3). Pour a small amount of linseed oil onto the surface of the wood. Smear it around liberally with a soft cloth. When you run out of oil, pour some more on the wood and smear again. Repeat pouring and spreading the oil out over the wood until it is completely wet with oil. Wait 1 hour and apply another coat of oil. Let the oil dry for 1 week.
- 4). Pour more oil onto the surface of the wood. Spread it around with a soft cloth until the surface is wet. Rub off any existing oil. Wait 1 week for the oil to dry. You can now use the wood for its intended purpose.
- 5). Apply a light coat of oil once a month for a year, and then periodically whenever the finish begins looking dull, or whenever you like.