Five Things You Should Do When Driving On a DUI-Restricted License
You've gotten charged and convicted of driving under the influence and are now driving with a DUI-restricted license. This means you are most likely using an ignition interlock device in your vehicle as well, which monitors your alcohol content each time the car is started.
The restricted license creates challenges for drivers in getting to work and resuming a normal life after the DUI charge. Your goal is to get back to normal as quickly as possible. There are things you can do to ensure that you're obeying the restrictions imposed by the court in Arizona.
Be careful about who drives your vehicle. The ignition interlock device must be used by every person who drives your vehicle. If they have been drinking and fail the blood alcohol level test when trying to use your equipment that will be counted against you. Be sure that you and your friends are being careful to not drink and drive.
Your goal is to be safe, to follow the laws as they apply to your conviction and to use your ignition interlock device correctly. Start with a reputable dealer for installation and maintenance of your device. Then continue to work with them in upkeep. Ask questions if you don't know what to do, let their service team handle problems that come up and ask for advice from customer support as needed.
The goal of returning back to normal is all about the choices you make. Start off making the best choice by choosing AMAT, Arizona Mobile Access Technologies, to install your ignition interlock device. You won't regret this all-important piece of advice. To get your device installed, see the AMAT website today.
The restricted license creates challenges for drivers in getting to work and resuming a normal life after the DUI charge. Your goal is to get back to normal as quickly as possible. There are things you can do to ensure that you're obeying the restrictions imposed by the court in Arizona.
- Make sure your ignition interlock device is correctly installed, preferably by a reputable and ADOT compliant company. This is so important as the installation must be done correctly if your device is to accurately reflect your alcohol-free driving.
- Schedule regular maintenance for your interlock device, as required by the state. The device contains a computer chip which stores data on your driving, blowing in the mouthpiece and all required maintenance and recalibrations. Any incorrect service or repairs done to your device could damage your status.
- Pay careful attention to your use of alcohol. The ignition device is used to make sure that you don't drive while under the influence of alcohol. By blowing in the mouthpiece the device measures and records your blood alcohol level. If you fail the test, the car won't start and that information is recorded in your device for the court or ADOT to access at a later date. If you are going to be drinking you should arrange for someone else to drive. You can ask a friend to drive you to your destination, take a cab or arrange to stay with a friend. Watch your drinking and make sure you're using good judgment. An alcohol-free, safe driving record along with compliance with the restriction of your DUI conviction is the best way to get your license back at the end of your sentence.
- Follow all the requirements of the court—if you were ordered to go to a support group or take alcohol treatments, do so. You don't want to break the law and you don't want to do anything to add to the terms of your restricted license. Make sure you're paying attention to what the court sentence stated. And, pay attention to any new laws regarding DUIs. If you're uncertain about laws you can talk to the customer support team at your Ignition Interlock Dealer, they should have the information or direct you to the right place.
Be careful about who drives your vehicle. The ignition interlock device must be used by every person who drives your vehicle. If they have been drinking and fail the blood alcohol level test when trying to use your equipment that will be counted against you. Be sure that you and your friends are being careful to not drink and drive.
Your goal is to be safe, to follow the laws as they apply to your conviction and to use your ignition interlock device correctly. Start with a reputable dealer for installation and maintenance of your device. Then continue to work with them in upkeep. Ask questions if you don't know what to do, let their service team handle problems that come up and ask for advice from customer support as needed.
The goal of returning back to normal is all about the choices you make. Start off making the best choice by choosing AMAT, Arizona Mobile Access Technologies, to install your ignition interlock device. You won't regret this all-important piece of advice. To get your device installed, see the AMAT website today.