Laws on Dogs Harassing Cattle in Florida
- Though dog barking does not physically harm cattle, it can cause immense stress and interrupt normal herd behavior. Several remedies for excessive barking exist. If the dog is barking because it is being neglected, abused or left outside for extended periods of time, then contact animal control. Animal control officers can intervene and help the dog. Local municipalities in Florida also have laws about barking dogs. The dog's owner may be fined or required to bring the dog inside when it barks. Contact the nonemergency number for your city or county's police department to report a barking violation.
- A civil penalty is incurred when someone is sued for some violation of the law. If your neighbor's dog is harassing your cattle, you can take several causes of action. If the dog bites a cow, you can sue for the damage to the cow, the lost earnings you might have made from the cow's milk or meat and any costs you incurred paying veterinary or other bills. Similarly, you are permitted to sue if the dog damages your fence, destroys cow food or otherwise interferes with your use of your property.
- An owner who knowingly allows an aggressive dog to run free may be criminally liable under Florida law and can face prison time. Typically, a dog must bite a person or another animal twice before the owner will be prosecuted. The legal reasoning is that the owner does not know the dog will bite until the first bite. After that, the owner knows or should have known. Document any injuries sustained by you or your cows and call the police.
- Leash laws are perhaps the most beneficial dog laws in Florida. Every municipality in Florida requires that when dogs are not behind a fence or in their homes, they must be on a leash or under vocal control. A dog that is harassing cattle is, of course, not under vocal control. Contact the police and report the leash violation. This way enables you to protect your cattle from escalating harassment, without waiting for the dog to cause significant harm and without getting the dog's owner into serious legal trouble.
Excessive Barking
Civil Penalties
Criminal Penalties
Leash Laws