Information on the Silkie Chicken
- The silky feathers of this chicken come in many colors including white, black, buff, gray, blue and red.
- Silkie chickens not only have unique feathers, but also have blue-black skin and bones, and blue earlobes.
- They are very small, usually weighing only 1 or 2 lbs.
- Silkie chickens make good pets because they are very docile.
- Silkie chickens lay many eggs throughout the year, and they also are excellent incubating hens. Because they like to sit on a nest, people often use them to incubate offspring of other poultry.
- Silkie chicken does not figure much into European and American cuisine, probably because it has a very gamy taste. However, several Asian cultures consider this meat a gourmet food.
Feather Colors
Skin Color
Silkies as Food