How To Build Momentum And Maintain It
When "Big Mo" Comes To Call Have you got momentum in your business? Why does it seem like the rich keep getting richer, the most successful people keep getting more success, happy people just keep getting happier, and lucky people keep on getting lucky? They've got momentum.
So what the heck is momentum? By definition, it is the force or speed of movement.
So in terms of your home business, how big and how fast is it growing? This point is key so PAY ATTENTION: momentum can work for you or against you.
Productive habits can help you to build momentum in a positive direction and poor habits can create negative momentum and send you into a downward spiral in your home business, in your relationships, and in any area of your life.
So let's talk about how to build momentum in a positive direction for your home business.
The following list will help you to accomplish this goal:
" And by the way, Hardy's chapter on Motivation (chapt.
4) in that same book will create a clearer picture of how to build momentum and maintain it than any other resource I've found.
Back to our example.
Picture an old fashioned well pump that you use to pull water up through a pipe from the water table several feet underground.
To get the water to come up through the pipe, you have to pump on the lever hard and long enough to create enough suction.
When you first start pumping, you're excited and determined to get the water out, so you really put your back into it.
But after a few minutes, when no water comes out, some people, not realizing how much effort it takes to create that initial suction and how far up the pipe the water has to come, give up before they ever get any water.
Those that keep on pumping will be rewarded by a small trickle of water coming out.
At this point, a lot more people will get disgusted with so little water after so much work and quit pumping.
But once again, those who persist and continue to pump the handle hard and fast will finally get the big reward, a steady stream of water flowing from the pump spout.
And as an added bonus, once they hit the steady flow of water - MOMENTUM - they no longer have to pump so hard or fast.
As a matter of fact, it actually becomes easy, and they only have to pump consistently to maintain the flow.
Now compare that example to people starting a home business.
They're all excited and determined and they jump in with both feet and start taking massive action.
But after a few days or few weeks with no results, some decide it doesn't work and so they quit.
Those that persist will be rewarded and start to see a small trickle of sales or sign ups begin to come in.
Now a group of these people will be disgusted with the small results after putting in such massive action and they will also quit.
And again, those that persist will get the big reward of getting a strong, steady flow of customers and/or signups for their new home business and begin to experience success.
Now they no longer need to take such massive action to maintain their new flow, they just need to consistently perform the daily tasks that led to their getting momentum in the first place.
Now here's another key point, so PAY ATTENTION: Creating momentum in your home business and getting some success can also lead to some bad decisions if you're not careful.
People tend to slack off when they start to see some real results, believing they've "arrived.
" They start to explore other avenues for building their business and let the strategy they were using to get that momentum and success in the first place just go by the wayside.
And sadly, here's what happens.
When you stop pumping the handle altogether, the water slows to a trickle, and then stops flowing altogether.
And if you start pumping easily and consistently like you were doing to simply MAINTAIN the flow, you don't get any water.
You've got to start pumping hard and fast all over again for a long enough time to create the suction again and start the flow again.
And it's the same with your home business.
If you slack off and stop following the action steps that brought you the success you were enjoying in the first place, then your results will trickle off and the flow of new sales and signups will cease altogether.
And it will take massive action to get the flow started again.
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Can't you just see somebody feverishly pumping the handle on that well pump and quitting in disgust when only a small trickle of water emerges from the spout? I see people do this in the network marketing industry every single day, and it makes me sad to think what "might have been" for those people who just didn't quit pumping.
Want to build momentum for your home business? Follow the 4 steps I listed above, and don't stop even when you are getting the results you're looking for.
If you do that, "Big Mo" will kick in and do the rest.
So what the heck is momentum? By definition, it is the force or speed of movement.
So in terms of your home business, how big and how fast is it growing? This point is key so PAY ATTENTION: momentum can work for you or against you.
Productive habits can help you to build momentum in a positive direction and poor habits can create negative momentum and send you into a downward spiral in your home business, in your relationships, and in any area of your life.
So let's talk about how to build momentum in a positive direction for your home business.
The following list will help you to accomplish this goal:
- Create a daily action plan based on your goals and core values.
- Create new positive habits by taking daily action (following your daily action plan).
- Stay consistent over a long enough period of time to not only form these productive habits but also to get momentum
- Stay consistent in your behaviors and actions even after you've hit momentum so that it can continue to propel you forward.
" And by the way, Hardy's chapter on Motivation (chapt.
4) in that same book will create a clearer picture of how to build momentum and maintain it than any other resource I've found.
Back to our example.
Picture an old fashioned well pump that you use to pull water up through a pipe from the water table several feet underground.
To get the water to come up through the pipe, you have to pump on the lever hard and long enough to create enough suction.
When you first start pumping, you're excited and determined to get the water out, so you really put your back into it.
But after a few minutes, when no water comes out, some people, not realizing how much effort it takes to create that initial suction and how far up the pipe the water has to come, give up before they ever get any water.
Those that keep on pumping will be rewarded by a small trickle of water coming out.
At this point, a lot more people will get disgusted with so little water after so much work and quit pumping.
But once again, those who persist and continue to pump the handle hard and fast will finally get the big reward, a steady stream of water flowing from the pump spout.
And as an added bonus, once they hit the steady flow of water - MOMENTUM - they no longer have to pump so hard or fast.
As a matter of fact, it actually becomes easy, and they only have to pump consistently to maintain the flow.
Now compare that example to people starting a home business.
They're all excited and determined and they jump in with both feet and start taking massive action.
But after a few days or few weeks with no results, some decide it doesn't work and so they quit.
Those that persist will be rewarded and start to see a small trickle of sales or sign ups begin to come in.
Now a group of these people will be disgusted with the small results after putting in such massive action and they will also quit.
And again, those that persist will get the big reward of getting a strong, steady flow of customers and/or signups for their new home business and begin to experience success.
Now they no longer need to take such massive action to maintain their new flow, they just need to consistently perform the daily tasks that led to their getting momentum in the first place.
Now here's another key point, so PAY ATTENTION: Creating momentum in your home business and getting some success can also lead to some bad decisions if you're not careful.
People tend to slack off when they start to see some real results, believing they've "arrived.
" They start to explore other avenues for building their business and let the strategy they were using to get that momentum and success in the first place just go by the wayside.
And sadly, here's what happens.
When you stop pumping the handle altogether, the water slows to a trickle, and then stops flowing altogether.
And if you start pumping easily and consistently like you were doing to simply MAINTAIN the flow, you don't get any water.
You've got to start pumping hard and fast all over again for a long enough time to create the suction again and start the flow again.
And it's the same with your home business.
If you slack off and stop following the action steps that brought you the success you were enjoying in the first place, then your results will trickle off and the flow of new sales and signups will cease altogether.
And it will take massive action to get the flow started again.
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Can't you just see somebody feverishly pumping the handle on that well pump and quitting in disgust when only a small trickle of water emerges from the spout? I see people do this in the network marketing industry every single day, and it makes me sad to think what "might have been" for those people who just didn't quit pumping.
Want to build momentum for your home business? Follow the 4 steps I listed above, and don't stop even when you are getting the results you're looking for.
If you do that, "Big Mo" will kick in and do the rest.