Improve the Quality of Your Questions
I received a text message from a friend of mine recently asking if I had any advice on how to fix her life.
She was not sure what she wanted to do or where she wanted to go.
In the message she wrote, "I keep asking myself the same questions over and over, but I can't seem to come up with good answers.
" She was asking herself three questions: 1) Why do I cringe when I hear someone say they love me? 2) Why do I always look for something more? 3) When can I be content, or should I always be looking for bigger and better?" Immediately I knew how to help her.
She needed to ask better questions because it is the quality of the questions you ask yourself that creates the quality of your life.
Your brain is a complex computer programmed to answer the questions you ask it.
If you ask your brain a question often enough, with real passion and emotion, it will come up with answers to the question.
For instance, you might ask yourself, "Why am I so lazy?" Your brain will think of reasons like: 1) You don't get enough sleep.
2) You hate your life.
3) You are fat because you don't eat right 4)...
a myriad of other answers.
Your brain does not necessarily come up with good or empowering answers, but it will come up with answers.
On the other hand, you might rephrase the question and ask, "How can I have more energy and enjoy my day more?" Your brain will think of reasons like: 1) Get more sleep at night.
2) Make sure to smile more during the day.
3) Start eating healthier and exercising more.
a collection of other solutions.
If you ask the right questions, you will come up with empowering ideas.
It is all in the power of how you ask the question.
If you have a problem you can't solve, ask yourself a better question.
Instead of asking, "Why can't I do this?" ask "How could I do this and enjoy it too?" Change the questions you ask yourself and you will change your life.
Using this knowledge, I told my friend to change her questions to: 1) How can I appreciate the love others show for me while still protecting myself? 2) What am I grateful for in my life right now? 3) How can I be grateful for what I have and still set higher goals and standards for myself? All day long we ask ourselves questions.
Our brain will find the answers.
If you want to improve the quality of your life, then improve the quality of your questions.
She was not sure what she wanted to do or where she wanted to go.
In the message she wrote, "I keep asking myself the same questions over and over, but I can't seem to come up with good answers.
" She was asking herself three questions: 1) Why do I cringe when I hear someone say they love me? 2) Why do I always look for something more? 3) When can I be content, or should I always be looking for bigger and better?" Immediately I knew how to help her.
She needed to ask better questions because it is the quality of the questions you ask yourself that creates the quality of your life.
Your brain is a complex computer programmed to answer the questions you ask it.
If you ask your brain a question often enough, with real passion and emotion, it will come up with answers to the question.
For instance, you might ask yourself, "Why am I so lazy?" Your brain will think of reasons like: 1) You don't get enough sleep.
2) You hate your life.
3) You are fat because you don't eat right 4)...
a myriad of other answers.
Your brain does not necessarily come up with good or empowering answers, but it will come up with answers.
On the other hand, you might rephrase the question and ask, "How can I have more energy and enjoy my day more?" Your brain will think of reasons like: 1) Get more sleep at night.
2) Make sure to smile more during the day.
3) Start eating healthier and exercising more.
a collection of other solutions.
If you ask the right questions, you will come up with empowering ideas.
It is all in the power of how you ask the question.
If you have a problem you can't solve, ask yourself a better question.
Instead of asking, "Why can't I do this?" ask "How could I do this and enjoy it too?" Change the questions you ask yourself and you will change your life.
Using this knowledge, I told my friend to change her questions to: 1) How can I appreciate the love others show for me while still protecting myself? 2) What am I grateful for in my life right now? 3) How can I be grateful for what I have and still set higher goals and standards for myself? All day long we ask ourselves questions.
Our brain will find the answers.
If you want to improve the quality of your life, then improve the quality of your questions.