How to Make an Outline for Art
- 1). Lay a high-quality image of the art that you want to reproduce on a table. Secure it in place with low-tack masking tape so that it does not move.
- 2). Place a clear transparency over the artwork. Secure the edges with tapel.
- 3). Trace the artwork's outlines onto the transparency using a fine-tipped permanent marker. If desired, outline the major highlights and shadows using a different color of marker.
- 4). Remove the transparency from the table and place it on an overhead projector.
- 5). Turn the projector on and face it toward the wall that you intend to paint.
- 6). Adjust the projector until the outline's size and position on the wall fit the area you want to paint.
- 7). Trace the projected lines onto the wall with a pencil. Add highlights and shadows with a different color pencil if you included them on the transparency.