Instructions on Using Navigon GPS
- Charge your Navigon device completely before using it for the first time. Newly purchased device packages include a 12-volt car charger. Plug the charge into the device and plug the charger into the vehicle's cigarette lighter or charging location. The LED will display orange while charging and turn green when the charging is complete. A memory card with software is included in your package and is already inserted into the device. Mount your Navigon cradle to a clean, dry surface in your car. Make sure that the location is easily visible from the driver and passenger locations. Connect the mini-USB socket on the cradle. The GPS system will be supplied with power as soon as it is inserted. Press and hold the power button for two seconds to turn on the device.
When you first start your device, you will see a Language Selection window. Choose your language option (English, French or Spanish) and tap OK. Next, choose your distance unit options (kilometers or miles) and tap OK. You will then be required to select your time format (am/pm or 24h). The device will display a disclosure. Read the disclosure carefully and select OK to continue. You cannot continue with the software if you fail to accept the disclosure. - Select your viewing mode options. Tap Options -> Settings -> General. The viewing mode offers three viewing options: automatic, night and day. The automatic option switches between day and night display based on the sunrise and sunset times. The night option displays darker colors for better nighttime viewing. Tap OK after you have made your selection and tap OK again to save your changes.
- Select your new location. New locations are destinations that you have not yet navigated to or stored in the device. You can search your location by using the state, city, street, street number or intersection. As you enter your city information, different cities will auto-populate as you enter each letter. Once you locate your city, tap the green check mark to accept. Auto complete is not available in all locations. You can enter your destination address by tapping New Destination -> Enter an Address. Enter the address information and tap Start Navigation.
You can also enter your destination by selecting the location on the map. Tap Options -> Show Map. Tap your destination and OK. Once you have selected your location, the device will enter the preview mode. Tap the option that says "start navigation" or just start driving. The voice will provide you with directions that will navigate you to your selection. Only follow the navigational instructions when traffic regulations and road conditions allow you to do so.