Discover How Get Your Ex Back in 4 Easy Steps
Follow this four steps and you will be able to get your ex back.
1 - Say sorry.
First of all you need to apologize; this is one of the best methods to get your ex back.
Even if you can get him back right away, this is one of the best things to do.
Apologize yourself for the right reasons.
It can be easy to blame yourself for everything after a break up.
It takes two to make a successful relationship, so make sure you know exactly what are you going to apologize for.
Be careful when doing it, because when apologizing if you are not alert you might go into another fight.
If you are apologizing and your ex brings up something else, stay calm and keep your emotions and your ego in check.
2 - Sit together and talk naturally.
If your ex agrees you can set a time to sit down and talk.
Don't ever try to force it, and talk about it objectively.
If you are able to do it without assigning any blame, you will be doing great.
A therapist or an expert in relationships can help you a lot, if you are able to get your partner to agree with that.
3 - Give each other some space.
It is fundamental to give each other space because you may be willing to talk to your ex, but that doesn't mean they want to.
Just give a brief time to each other before trying to get them back and this will create a chance for them to miss you.
If you are together all the time, your ex won't be able to miss you.
4 - Show how much you care about yourself.
If you are acting desperate or needy, you will not succeed.
If you are standing at home waiting for the phone to ring or checking constantly the e-mail waiting for their message to drop in, you are not going the right way.
Go out with friends, go see a movie, do whatever you can to forget the break up and live your life.
It is even better if you are not there to answer their calls, because that will show that you are living your life.
If they call you, let them get redirected to the voice mail.
This shows that you are busy and living your life; you may even call them the next day.
This can be a really big surprise to them, and they can even get to pursue you again.